Who is the first caliph of Islam?

 Who is the first caliph of Islam?
This  is site Site for Islamic History articles. Here you will read about Islamic history articles. This article is about first caliph of Islam, Who was the First caliph of islam? You will read about Hazrat Abu Bakr, the first Caliph of Islam in this article.

The first Caliph, Hazrat Abu Baker Siddique

 Introduction of Hazrat Abu Bakr

 After the death of the Holy Prophet, his close companion, Along with the cave,
hazrat Abu Bakr was elected as the first Caliph. Your name is Abdullah, your surname is Abu Baker and Siddique. And the title is Atiq, the father's name was Qahfa. 
On the back, your lineage is traced back to the Messenger of Allah. Your family was respected since Jahiliyyah (Kanz al-Amal, Volume 6, Page 312).

Before Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakr's business was trade. You were the owner of good nature and you were good even in the time of Jahiliyyah. You were respected in Makkah. You were a close friend of Rasoolullah. When the Holy Prophet first invited Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakr accepted Islam. After accepting Islam, he became the right hand of the Messenger of Allah in the propagation of Islam. And no one can win over you in sacrifice. 

You were the first among the people of Quraysh to accept Islam and stay with the Messenger of Allah at the risk of his life in Makkah. Wherever the Messenger of Allah went, he was with him. He used to introduce his relatives to the Messenger of Allah (Kanz al-Maal, Volume 6, Page 319).

 Hazrat Uthman, Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Abd al-Rahman bin Auf, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Hazrat Ubaidah bin Jarh, Hazrat Uthman bin Madzoon became Muslims because of your efforts.

Hazrat Bilal, Amer bin Fahira and many slaves, were freed by him from the cruel masters. At the time of Hijra, when the intention was to build the Prophet's Mosque, the land belonged to two orphans. The price of the land was paid by Hazrat Abu Bakr, and the first house in Medina was built with the help of Hazrat Abu Bakr.

 He participated in all the battles of Badr Uhad, Battle of Trench, Huddaiybia, Khayber, Conquest of Makkah, HunainTaif and Tabuk. and, performing services, He performed the Hajj in 9 Hijri, so that from the beginning of Islam to the death of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique was the Messenger of Allah. His sacrifices had such an effect on Hazrat Muhammad that he used to say that no one was more kind to him than Abu Bakr in terms of life and property. Because of the companionship of the Messenger of Allah and the sacrifices he made for Islam, he was entitled to the caliphate. When the Holy Prophet fell ill, he gave the honor of Imamate of the Prophet's Mosque to Hazrat Abu Bakr (Sahih Bukhari), which was a reference to the succession of Hazrat Abu Bakr, but the system of Islam is based on Shura. That is why the Messenger of Allah did not appoint anyone as his successor.
(History of Islam by Shah Moin Udin Nadwi, from pages 107-108).

Abu Bakr Siddique was nominated as Caliph

 As soon as they heard the news of the death of Hazrat Muhammad, the hypocrites of Medina came to the fore.

 Ansar Madinah in Saqifa Bani Saad

The talk of the caliphate was heard. Saad bin Ubadah was a famous companion , and he actively participated in the wars. The flag of the Ansar used to give to Sa'd bin Ubada during the wars. That's why the Ansar thought that the Caliph should be Sa'd bin Ubada. On the other hand, the Mujarins also came to know that Ansar Saqifa Bani Saif had gathered and were discussing the succession of the Messenger of Allah. At that time, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Amr and Ubaidah bin Jarh went to Saqifa Bani Saif and reviewed the situation.

 He addressed the Ansar and said, I do not deny your support, but the fact is that all the Arabs do not accept the rule of anyone except the Quraish. The Mujarins were more entitled to the caliphate due to their family relationship with the Messenger of Allah. 
Abu Ubaidah and Hazrat Amr are present here among you, take oath whatever you want. But Hazrat Amr placed his hand on Abu Bakr's hand and said,

"We took oath into your hands. You are the most entitled to us and the Messenger of Allah is the most dear to you. All the people came forward to take the Bait and began to perform the Bayt of Hazrat Abu Bakr, after which the preparation and burial of the Messenger of Allah began.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Volume 1, page 51).
 On the second day of the Prophet's Mosque, Abu Bakr became the first caliph.

 (Brief biography of the Prophet, page 741, History of Islam Najeebabadi, volume 1, page 288) 

Hazrat Abu Bakr's First Sermon

On Rabi Al-Awwal 11 Hijri, when Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique ascended the Caliphate, he gave a speech which is below,

" People, I have been made ruler over you, although I am not better than you. So, if I do the right thing, it is your duty to follow me, and if I do the wrong thing, it is your duty to guide me. Truth is trust and lies are betrayal. The weakest among you is the strongest, in my opinion. Until I take the truth from him, remember that the nations that abandon jihad for the sake of Allah, Allah humiliates them. And as soon as wickedness spreads in a nation, Allah will make it suffer. If I raise Allah and His Messenger, then raise me And if I disobey, so you people do not have to follow me.

 The reason for the delay in the Bait of Hazrat Ali and some other companions

  Among the Ansar, only Saad bin Ubada and those who were engaged in funeral prepration among the Mujarins did not perform Bayt. Hazrat Sad took alligiance on the same day,  a little later Hazrat Ali and Zubair bin Talha did not make the Bayt only because we were not included in the advice in the Bayt of Saqifa bin Sahda.

 One day, Hazrat Ali brought these complaints to Hazrat Abu Bakr and he replied that Treating Rasoolullah's close companions well is dearer to me than treating my own relatives. I did not go to Banu Saqifah to take Bait, but I went to settle the differences between the Mujarin and the Ansar. The conflict between the two sides was increased. I did not ask for bait, but the attendants took the bait into my hands, if I had postponed the bait at that time. So the danger would have increased. You were busy with preparations and funerals, so how could I call you? Hearing these things, Hazrat Ali withdrew his complaints and the next day he took oath in Masjid Nabawi.
 (Saheeh Bukhari, Kitab al-Maghazi, Chapter Ghazwah Khyber).

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