What is Ghazwa Hunain in Islam? Introduction And Detail of Ghazwa Hunain

 This article is about ghazwa Hunain that took place after conquest of Makkah, After Conquest of Makkah  some enimies of Islam were planning of war against Muslim. This battle was between Muslims and non muslims, we discuss this events of this ghazwa under following toics:

Ghazwa Hunain Introduction

The departure of the Messenger of Allah

Facts of the war

Collecting the wealth and prisoners in Jahrana

distributor of wealth and booty

Honor and respect to Shema, the prisoner of Haneen

The Objection of the Ansar and the reply of the Messenger of Allah

Return to Medina

Ghazwa Hunain Introduction

 Hanain is the name of a place between Makkah and Taif where the tribes of Hawazin and Saqif were settled. These tribes were warriors and expert in archery. Because of the Fatah Makkah, these tribes became strong so that the Muslims would not attack us that is why they consulted among themselves that before the Muslims attack us, we should attack them. Their leader, Malik bin Aaf, came to attack them with an army of twenty thousand men. Malik Bin Auf advised his troops that everyone should stay with their families so that there would be a good fight and no one should leave his family. 

The departure of the Messenger of Allah

Time and date 

 8 Shawwal, 8 Hijri

 Total strength

 12 thousands

 Rasoolullah went to Hunain With his Troops. Seeing the strength of the army, a man came out of his mind, 

"Today we will not be defeated due to shorten of Army". There was pride in this sentence which Allah did not like. Allah Almighty did not like this sentence and was defeated in the first attack. 

Facts of the war

Army-of-Islam on Tuesday evening in Hunain Valley reached. Huwazin and Saqif were sitting quietly by their side. Malik bin Auf had instructed them to take out the swords from covers first. And when the army of Islam is there, they attack them with 20 thousand swords. When the Islamic army started passing through this pass, the army of Hawazin and Saqif attacked them, and arrows started raining on the Muslims from all sides. 

So the Muslims scattered everywhere. Only 12 people remained with the Holy Prophet. At that time, Hazrat Abbas was holding his mule. And Abu Sufyan bin Haras was holding the stirrup. The voice of Hazrat Abbas was loud. The Messenger of Allah ordered him to give voice to the Mujarin and Ansar Hazrat. Abbas said in a loud voice,

 "O Mujarin and Ansar, O people of Bait Rizwan! 

All turned towards this voice. And in a small circle all were gathered. He ordered an attack on the polytheists. When the battle was at its height, the Holy Prophet took a fist of clay and threw it at the infidels. There was no human being whose eyes did not fade. This was the moment when the enemy was defeated. Many fled and many were captured. Several of the enemy were killed. A lot of wealth came into their hands.

 (Ayoon al-Ahar, Volume 2, Page 192 )

 After the defeat of the enemy, Malik bin Auf, the leader of Hawazin and Saqif, fled with a party and took refuge.

 Collecting the wealth and prisoners in Jahrana

 The Muslims moved towards Taif. Malik bin Auf was locked in the fort of Taif before he left with his army. The Muslims went to Taif and besieged fort. Suddenly stones were hurled at muslims from the fort and arrows was shot because of which many Muslims were injured and 12 were martyred. 

It lasted for twenty days, the wall of fort was so strong that the stones thrown did not work. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) took the Moasara with the advice of a companion, but later this fort was conquered by itself. 

All the people became Muslims and Malik bin Aaf also later became a Muslim.

distributor of wealth and booty

 Allah's Messenger went to Jarana in 5 zil Qahda, where the wealth and booty were collected. 6,000 prisoners, 24,000 camels, 40,000 goats, 4,000 cattles.

 You went to Hawazin and waited for 10 days for those people to come to free their children and women. But they did not come and you divided the wealth and booty (Fatah al-Bari, Volume 8, Page 38, Yeon al-Athar, Volume 2, Page 193) 

The return of the families of Hawazin after the distribution of the booty

A delegation of Hawazin came, consisting of 9 accepted Islam and demanded the return of his property and family. Your foster mother, Halima Sadia, was from the same tribe as the tribe that Khatib said,

"O Messenger of Allah, you are the ancestors of this tribe. If we had such a relationship with a king, we would have been kind. Your glory is much greater than that".

You said that now the wealth has been distributed. Choose one of two things, prisoners or property. The delegation chose family. The 6 thousand prisoners were returned after Zohar.

 Honor and respect to Shema, the prisoner of Haneen

 Hazrat Muhammad's foster sister, Sheema, was also among these prisoners of war, The Messenger of Allah recognized her and greeted her and spread a blanket for her to sit down. Your eyes be filled with tears of joy And he said, "If you want to stay with me, you can." Shema said, "I want to go back and become a Muslim."

The Holy Prophet gave her some camels and goats and three slaves and a female servant.

(Al-Asba, Volume 2, Page 344)

Distribution of the rewards in the noble Quraysh

The faith of the Quraysh elite who converted to Islam on the occasion of the Fatah of Makkah was weak.

Hazrat Muhammad rewarded them with many rewards, giving some one hundred camels, some two hundred and some three hundred camels.

(Fatah Al-Bari, Volume 8, Page 38-Sharh Al-Mawahib, Volume 3, Page 36)

The Objection of the Ansar and the reply of the Messenger of Allah

This wealth was given to the Quraysh and nothing was given to the Ansar.

The Messenger of Allah gave it to the Quraish but left us, and till our swords are dripping with their blood.

Some say that when they are in trouble, we are called and wealth is distributed to others.

He gathered them together and said,

"Don't you agree that the people took camels and goats and you took the Messenger of Allah with you?"

And he said, "If the migration had not been in destiny, I would have been an Ansari, if the people lived in one valley and the Ansar in one valley, So I will go to the valley of the Ansar and he prayed for them, 

"O Allah, have mercy on the Ansar and their children and their children".

It was said that the Ansar  cried so much that their beards get wet.

He said, "We have agreed on this division that The Messenger of Allah came to us (Fatah al-Bari, vol. 8, page 40, Sharh al-Mawahib, vol. 3, page 38).

 Return to Medina

On the 18th of Dhul Qahdah, you set out from Jharna towards Makkah with the intention of the Umraa.

Later, he appointed Atab bin Sayyid as governor of Makkah and made Muwaz bin Jabbal a preacher of religion.​​​​​​​​​​

And two months and 16 days later, on 27 Dhul Qahdah, he entered Madinah with his companions (Zarqani, vol. 2, page 41).

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