Abu Bakr's supporting role in Islam, services to Islam

 This Article is about Abu Bakr's supporting role in Islam, services to Islam. Here  you will read about Hazrat Abu Bkr servises in Islam.


 Hazrat Abu Bakr's life was full of great achievements, especially the years he spent during the Caliphat, will always be remembered. After the Messenger of Allah, the world once again went to the abode of misguidance. (Historian Tabari's)
Abu Bakr Siddique Services for Islam

 relationship between Quraysh and Saqif

In addition, all Arabs rebelled against the Islamic government. Various people had claimed to be Prophets, and those who denied zakat started threatening to hang Madinah. However, Hazrat Abu Bakr ended all these conspiracies with the help of his intelligence, greatness and religious understanding. He conveyed the message of guidance to all of Arabia, so the fact is that he revived Islam after the Holy Prophet. And the person who has the greatest favor in Islam today is Abu Bakr.

 The first founder of the Caliphate

 Hazrat Abu Bakr, was the first to establish the Caliphate in Islam. He used to take advice from companions in matters. This is the reason why they never separated their experienced companions from Dar Khilafat. During Osama's campaign, he kept Hazrat Amr with him in Madinah for advice. He consulted the Companions before the invasion of Syria. Hazrat Ali advised and then agreed to it.
 (History of Yaqubi, Volume 2, Page 149).

However there was no Majlis Shura system in the era of Abu Bkr. Hazrat Abu Bakr used to call some prominent people from among the Muhajarin and Ansar, such as Uthman, Ali, Abdur Rehman Bin Auf, Muwaz Bin Jabbal,  Abi Bin Kahab and Zaid Bin H All of them were also muftis in the era of Saddaqi.
 (Taqbat Ibn As-Saad, Qasm vol., vol. 2 pg. 109). 

The best style of country system 

The most important thing is to run the administration of the country in the best way, to base it on principles, to distribute positions. During the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr, the foreign conquests were just beginning, that's why his rule was only Arab. He divided Arabia into provinces and districts; Makkah, Madinah, Taif, Sinha Najran, Hazral Mut, Bahrain and Dumatul Jindal were made into separate provinces. Every province had an agent who performed all kinds of duties. But in the center, most of the tasks were done separately. Abu Ubaydah was an officer of wealth before the army officer of Syria. Hazrat Amr was a judge, Hazrat Uthman and Hazrat Zaid bin Sabat were the secretaries of government affairs. When Hazrat Abu Bakr would give someone a position, he would call him and explain the details of the duty and exhort him to be upright.
 (Tarikh Yaqubi, Volume 2, Page 148).

 Oversight and accountability of authorities 

No matter how organized the laws of a government are, if the officials are not accountable So the whole system will be in chaos, that is the reason the first Caliph Despite his natural gentleness in most cases, violence is used for accountability and criticism. Hazrat Abu Bakr took action with the utmost severity when any nefarious act was committed by the authorities. 

In the Battle of Ymamah, Musailmah Qazaab (Who claimed to be a prophet) saved all the people of Musailmah from the clutches of Muslims by betraying Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed. 
Hazrat Khalid married his daughter at the time of punishing him. Many Muslims were martyred in this war. Therefore, Hazrat Abu Bakr expressed his strong displeasure and wrote:

" Blood is flowing near the rope of your tent And you are surrounded in luxury with women".

 (Tarikh Yaqubi, Volume 2, Page 148)

 Impliment of limits and warnings

 Moral surveillance of the nation and And to protect the lives and property of the people, he maintained the same procedure which was in the Prophet's time, but he increased it to such an extent that he assigned Hazrat Abdullah bin Masud to guard the service and prescribed the punishments for many crimes. For example, the limit of Khmer was set at 40 Korres (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Volume I). 

Construction of Bait-ul-Mal 

There was no department of wealth in the era of Prophethood. The money coming from different sources was distributed. For the first year of the covenant, this was the way. Every free, slave, male and female ten dirhams would be distributed. In the second year, the amount was increased, so it made it 20 to 20 dirhams.
(Taqabat Ibn Sa'd, Volume 3, Page 151)

 Construction of Bait Al Maal

After the death of the first Caliph, Hazrat Amr took Abdur Rahman bin Auf, Hazrat Uthman and a few other companions and examined Baitul Mal. Only one dirham was recovered. People said, may God have mercy on Abu Bakr and called the treasurer of Baitul Malik and asked to him,
 How much money will have come from the start? He said two hundred thousand dinars.
 (Taqabat Ibn Sa'd, Qaf 1, Volume 3, Page 151)  

Military management

 There was no order and management of the army in the era of the Prophet and the era of the Abu Bakr. But it was added that whenever an army set out on a campaign, it was divided into separate troops and they would appoint an officer for each squad.

 The post of Commander-in-Chief

 Khalid bin Waleed was the first Commander-in-Chief to be created by the first Caliph. Hazrat Abu Bakr used to spend a considerable part of his income on war equipment. A special pasture was prepared in the Baqih  for camels and horses. In which thousands of animals were reared (Kitab al-Kharaj, page 12).

 Special attention to the propagation of Islam,

 Hazrat Abu Bakr had a keen interest in preaching even before the caliphate. After the caliphate, this interest increased further and the voice of Islam was raised again among all Arabs. Hazrat Abu Bakr exhorted the forces deployed towards the Romans and Iranians. First, invited Islam.
 By the efforts of Muthna bin Haras, all polytheists and Christians became Muslims. It was at the invitation of Hazrat Khalid that the Arab tribes of Iraq and Syria became Muslims.
 (Tarikh Yaqoobi, Volume 2, Page 145)

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