6 Challenges faced by Abu Bkr after the Caliphate.

This is Article About Hazrat Abu Bkr Siddique, The First Caliph of Islam. In this Article we will discuss 6 challenges faced by Abu Bkr after the Caliphate.


Hazrat Abu Bakr became the First Caliph of Islam after the death of Hazrat Muhammad. After the Khilafat, you faced difficulties. We briefly describe these difficulties and how Hazrat Abu Bakr overcame them.

1. Creating internal chaos of hypocrites

The group of hypocrites from Madinah was always there and gave evidence of anti-Islam at every opportunity.
The Holy Prophet did not appoint anyone as his successor, so the hypocrites raised an issue regarding his successor.
The hypocrites belonging to Oas and Khazraj incited the Ansar that the Caliphate was the right of the Ansar.
If Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Amr and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah not gone there on time, the situation would have been out of control.
And the brotherhood and love of the Mujarin and the Ansar would have ended and Islamic unity would have been divided.
These noble men arrived on time and controlled the situation.
Saad bin Ubada, who was made ameer by the Ansar, did not take the Bait on the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr, but did it a little later on the same day.
On the other hand, the chiefs of Banu Umayyad, who had converted to Islam on the occasion of the Conquest of Makkah, had not awakened the love of Islam in their hearts.
Abu Sufyan came to Hazrat Ali and asked him what happened when he had taken a man from the lowest tribe of Quraysh as caliph.
If you want, by God, I filled this valley with horsemen and foot soldiers.

But Hazrat Ali replied,. Abu Sufyan, you have enmity with the life of Islam and the people of Islam,. But your enmity has not harmed Islam or the people of Islam, we consider Abu Bakr as the rightful person for this caliphate.

2. Temptation and apostasy

The initial period of the caliphate of Hazrar Abu Bakr was a test of patience for the Muslims.
Hazrat Ayesha says that,

 "when the Messenger of Allah died, such a misfortune befell my father. If they had descended even on strong mountains, they would have crushed them".

On the one hand, hypocrisy was raging in Madinah. On the other hand, the Arabs were starting to apostatize.
(Fatuh al-Buldan, page 102).
At the time of the death of the Holy Prophet, no one was sure of his death. The Muslims were very depressed and when the news of his death reached the Arab tribes, the new Muslims started turning away from Islam.
The chiefs of the clans considered it a golden opportunity to break away from the central government and take the path back to polytheism and infidelity.
The revolution of apostasy was the most important. Many tribes had accepted Islam after the Messenger of Allah.
But Islam was not established in their hearts. That's why they became apostates after his death.
 (Tarikh al-Khalfa Suti, page 71).

3. Denial of Zakat

There were a lot of people who banned zakat, but said that the Messenger of Allah had the right to collect zakat from us.
Now, after his death, no one gets this right.
They remained committed to Islam but began to consider the payment of zakat as a sign of subjugation.
(Khalifa Rashidin, Page 42, Khalfa Arb, page 13).

4. The emergence of false prophets

More and more false prophets appeared. For example, Talihah, Musailmah, Aswad Ansi, and Sajja bint Ahars.

5. External threats

 Due to the failure of battle of Mota, the frontiers became insecure and an external attack could happen at any time.
And it was also necessary to take revenge of battle of Motta.

6. The plight of Syria

During the life of the Holy Prophet, there was a conflict with the Christians of Syria.
The Christians had estimated the glory of Islam in the Battle of Mota and the Battle Of Tabuk.
But they had the support of the Roman Empire, which did not allow them to sit in peace.
For this reason, their ongoing ambitions were not over, so their solution was also necessary.
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