Conquest Of Makkah, Events and Details

 This article is about conquest of Makkah, here you will read conquest of makkah in detail. We will discuss conquest of makkah in following topics:

1. Passage view of Fatah Makkah

2. Abu Sufyan's departure to Medina for the renewal of the agreement

3. Preparation for departure to Makkah

4. Departure from Medina

5. Passage view of Fatah Makkah

6. Ehlan of Abu Sufyan in Makkah

7. Hazrat Muhammad's entry into Mecca

8. Arrival at Khaba

9. Address in Darwaza Khaba

10. Bait from men and women

11. Orders regarding particular offenders

12. Return from Makkah to Madinah

Passage view of conquest of makkah


At the time when the Quraysh and the Messenger of Allah signed a peace treaty in Hudaybiyah. In this agreement, it was stipulated that they could join whichever side they wanted. That is why Banu Bakkar joined the alliance of Quraysh and Banu Khaza joined the alliance of Rasulullah.

Enmity had been going on between these two tribes for a long time, the reason being that once Malik bin Abad Hazarmi was robbed of the land of Banu Khuza by taking wealth because people killed him and looted all his property.

Banu Bakr killed a man from Banu Khuza. The Khuza tribe killed three men of Banu Bakr in the limits of Haram in return for one of their own men.

And this enmity continued till the time of Hazrat Muhammad. Because of the peace of Hudaibiya both parties became fearless. After treaty of Hudaibiya Naufal bin Muawiyah of Banu Bakr along with his companions killed the men of Banu Khadah.

The description of it is that it was night time, people were sleeping at the water fountain, which was called Watir.

Among the Quraysh, Safwan bin Umayyah, Shaiba bin Uthman, Suhail bin Amr, Hawaitab bin Abdul Azza and Muqarz bin Hifz helped Banu Bakkar. Khada ran away and took refuge in Haram, but Banu Bakr did not hesitate to kill them.

Quraysh helped tribe of Banu Bakr, gave them weapons and even men to fight. The people of Khaza entered the house of Badil bin Waraqah. But Quraish and Banu Bakkar went to their homes and beat them and returned, and they kept saying that the Messenger of Allah would not be informed about it.

When the Quraysh got up in morning, they regretted their actions and realized that the promise we made to the Prophet in Hudaybiyah was broken by mistake.

Amr bin Salim, a man of Khada, came to the Messenger of Allah with forty men and presented the situation before him. So you decided to help him.

After that, the delegation left and he sent a messenger to the Quraish to ask them to do one of three things.

1. The death of the deceased should be given.

2. Be separated from Banu Bakr.

3. Propose the abolition of Mowaida Hudaybiyyah.

When the messenger gave this message, Qurat, on behalf of the Quraysh, replied that no death of the deceased will be given nor will they end their relationship with Banu Bakkar, the Peace of Hudaybiyah, we agreed to end it, but the Quraish regretted it after the messenger went away.

And immediately Abu Sufyan went to Madinah to renew the promise.

Abu Sufyan's departure to Medina for the renewal of the agreement

Abu Sufyan went to Medina and attended the Messenger of Allah. He said that we want to continue the Hudaybiya peace process.

He didn't give any answer, then he went to Abu Bakr. He was disappointed, then he went to Hazrat Amr. He was disappointed, so he went to Hazrat Ali. He was disappointed there too, but Hazrat Ali advised him to announce in the mosque.

He went to the mosque and said in a loud voice that I had come to renew my promise, saying that he went to Mecca.

He went to Makkah and told them the whole situation. They said, "How did you come back without Mohammad's consent? Or did you receive the news of war or not? so that we can prepare for war.

Preparation for departure to Makkah

The Messenger of Allah ordered the Companions to prepare to go to Makkah.

And secretly ordered the preparations for the journey and the repair of war equipment.

Departure from Medina

On the 10th of Ramadan, the Messenger of Allah left for Makkah with 10,000 companions.

Umm e-Salma and Hazrat Maimuna were with him from among the Muhtarat wives.

(Saheeh Bukhari, Chapter Ghazwa al-Fath in Ramzan, Volume 2, Page 612)

On the way, Hazrat Abbas met at the place of Zul Halfa. He sent his belongings and family to Madinah and himself went with him.

(Sharh al-Mawahib, volume 2, pages 300 to 302)

When the Messenger of Allah left Madinah, the Companions were fasting. You went to a place where you broke your fast.

(Saheeh Bukhari, Volume 2, Page 612)

The establishment of the army in Murr-zohran

After walking from Maqam Kudeed, he went to Marzaharan at the time of Isha and stayed there. He ordered the army that everyone should light a fire in front of the tent. It was the custom of the Arabs that they used to light fire in the tents.

When Quraysh found out, Abu Sufyan, Hakim bin Khuzam and Badil bin Warqa went to get the news. As soon as they went to Azohran and was frightened by seeing the army, the watchmen of Rasoolullah arrested them.

Hazrat Abbas, who was on patrol, heard the voices of Abu Sufyan and said,

Alas! Abu Saffian, this is the army of the Messenger of Allah, they will kill you in the form of conquest. The only improvement of the Quraysh is that they demand peace from rasoolallah and accept obedience.

Then Hazrat Abbas took Abu Sufyan and passed the Messenger of Allah. Hazrat Abbas said to Abu Sufyan to sit behind him. He showed the whole army to Abu Sufyan and went to the Messenger of Allah.

The Messenger of Allah said, "Abbas, bring him to me in next day.

Abu Sufyan stayed in the tent of Hazrat Abbas the whole night while Hakim bin Khuzam and Badil bin Warqa accepted Islam.

Abu Sufyan's conversion to Islam

In the morning, Hazrat Abbas took Abu Sufyan to the Messenger of Allah. The Messenger of Allah said, Abu Sufyan, alas, the time has not come for you to believe in my prophethood.

Abu Sufyan said, "My parents, I am devoted to you. How gentle you are, you are kind to me in spite of enmity."

Later, on understanding Hazrat Abbas, Abu Sufyan accepted Islam. Hazrat Abbas said to the Messenger of Allah, Abu Sufyan is a great man If you put any special distinction in his honor, you said,

 "The person who took shelter in the house of Abu Sufyan, may he be safe.

He said, "Give me more."

He who closed the door of his house said,

Surrender, peace be upon him.

Abu Sufyan and Lashkar-e-Islam

Hazrat Muhammad ordered Hazrat Abbas to take Abu Sufyan to the mountains so that  When the tribes began to convert to Islam one by one, Abu Sufyan was surprised and said to hazrat Abbas that his nephew's country has become greater.

The tribe that passed in front, Abu Sufyan, used to ask which tribe it was. Khalid bin Waleed first passed with a force of 1000.

Then the various troops passed by.

Finally, the Messenger of Allah be with the armed forces of the Mujarin and the Ansar.

The flag of Muwajirin was in the hand of Hazrat Zubair and the flag of Ansar was in the hand of Hazrat Saad bin Ubadah.

When Sa'd bin Ubada passed by, he saw Abu Sufyan and said excitedly, "Today is the day of battle, killing and fighting will be lawful in Khaba."

Abu Sufyan complained to the Messenger of Allah, and he said, Sa'd said wrongly, today is the day of the greatness of the Kaaba, the Kaaba will be covered with a veil.

Ehlan of Abu Sufyan in Makkah

When Abu Sufyan returned to Makkah, he announced that Muhammad was coming with his army. No one has the courage to stand up to Muhammad, so take Islam and save yourself.

Whoever enters the Masjid Haram, peace be upon him; whoever enters my house, or whoever closes his door and surrenders, peace be upon him.

Abu Sufyan's wife, Hind, grabbed his mustache and said he had gone mad, abused him. People gathered and Abu Sufyan said,

At this time, nothing will happen. As soon as people heard this announcement, people ran, some towards Masjid Harram and some towards their homes.

Hazrat Muhammad's entry into Mecca

Hazrat Muhammad entered Makkah. While entering, he kept the honour of the Kabba and entered with his head bowed.

At that time, he was reciting Surat inna-Fatkhana.

 (Bukhari, Chapter Entry of Prophet Menin al-Makkah, Volume 2, Page 614 ).

When he entered Makkah, he stayed at the house of Umm Hani bint Abi Talib, and prayed 8 nwaafils there.  It was time for Chasht (Saheeh Bukhari, chapter Manzil Nabi, volume 2, page 614).

Tent at Shab Abi Talib

When he finished the prayer, he went to Abi Talib SHEHB ABBI TALIB where a tent had been pitched for him.

This was the place where the Quraysh bicotted Banu Hashim and Banu Matlab (Sharh al-Mawahib, Volume 2, Page 324).

Arrival at Khaba

He entered Masjid Haraam and circumambulated the Kaaba, where 360 idols were kept at that time.

You would point at each idol with a knife and read,

                     "جا الحق وہ زھق الباطل"

And they used to fall on their faces.

Elimination of images from the Kahba

He performed Tawaf on Naqah. After Tawaf, he called Uthman bin Talha and took the key of the Kabba from him and opened the House of Allah and ordered them to remove all the pictures in it. The khaba was washed with zam-zam, after that he prayed.

Address in Baab e Khaba

Baab e Kahba

You prayed and when you came out of the Kahba he saw that the Masjid Haram was full of people. And everyone was waiting for the order for all the criminals and enemies. It was the 20th of Ramadan. You are standing at the door. And the Khaba key was in your hand.

At that time, he gave a sermon in which he said, O Quraysh, what do you think about me, what should I do with you?

People say it is good because you are a noble brother, and also a noble son.

He said today there is no revenge or punishment, you are all free. I will say to you today what Yusuf said to his brothers.

Freed from the sermon, he sat in the mosque and the key was in his hand, Hazrat Ali said, Rasoolullah give us the key, then a verse decended on rasoolallah.

The translation of which is below:

 "Allah orders you to return the trusts to their owners." (Surat nisa, 58)

 He gave the key to Uthman bin Talha And he said, take this key forever. I did not give this to you myself, but Allah gave it to you, except the unjust no one can steal this key from you.

Hazrat Bilal had called for the azan of Zohar, so he told Hazrat Bilal to go to the roof of the Kahba and recite the azan.

Bait from men and women

Freed from prayer, he sat on Mount Safa. People kept gathering to take Bait from him.

People in Kahba

He used to take bait from men for Islamic Jihad and upliftment. After that, he took bait from women.

This is mentioned in the Qur'an in Sarat Nisa.What you used to say bait verbally. You never touched any woman.

Orders regarding particular offenders

On the day of Fatah Makkah, you offered forgiveness, but some people were too insolent to you. Ordered for them, wherever you find these people, kill them.

Their names are below:

1. Abdullah bin Akhtil, who had become a Muslim, then became an apostate. This man clung to the curtain of Fatah Makkah day. When hazrat Mohammad was told, he said, kill him. Abu Barza Aslama and Saad bin Haris went and killed him.

Cortana and Qariba

These two were concubines of Abdullah bin Akhtal. They used to recite poetry against you in the gatherings.

One of them became a Muslim and the other was killed (Fatah al-Bari, Vol. 8 Pagge).


There was a concubine of one of the Banu Mutallib. She was also a poetess. Some people say that she accepted Islam and lived until the caliphate of Hazrat Amr (Fatah al-Bari, Vol. 8 p. 10).

Hawairat bin Nafid

Hazrat Ali killed him.

Muqays bin Subba

He first became a Muslim, then became an apostate and went to Makkah.

His brother was also killed by an Ansari by mistake. The Messenger of Allah had given him deet, but he killed the Ansari.

That is why he was killed.

Abdullah bin Saad

At first he was muslim then he apostatized and went to Makkah. It also belonged to Hazrat Uthman. He became a Muslim again.

Ikrama bin Abu Jahl

 He was the son of Abu Jahl. He went to Yemen after Fatah Makkah.

Habbar bin Aswad

It was he who speared your daughter Zainab at the time of Hijrah. She asked you for protection and you granted it.

Wahzi bin Harb 

 He was the killing of Hazrat Hamza. He ran away from Makkah and went to Taif, then from there he sought refuge in Madinah and became a Muslim.

Kahab bin Zaheer

He used to say evil talking against you. He came to Madinah and became a Muslim. Later he wrote a qasida in the praise of the Messenger of Allah.

Horse bin Talal

He was also poet. Hazrat Ali killed him.

Hind Bint Atba

When Hind came to know about the order to kill, she asked him for help. The Holy Prophet forgave her, lator on she became muslim.

Abdullah bin Zabuhra

He was a great poet and insulted Hazrat Muhammad. He ran away to Najran and later came to Madinah and became a Muslim.

Habira bin Abi Wahab

He was also poet, He ran away on the day of Fatah Makkah and died.

(Al-Badiyyah and Nahaya, Shar al-Mawahib, Fatah al-Bari)

Some important people who converted to Islam on the occasion of Fatah Makkah

On the occasion of Fatah Makkah, many people from Quraish converted to Islam, some of whom are named below.

Hazrat Abu Bakr's father, Abu Qahfa, became a Muslim. Hazrat Abu Bakr picked him up and took him to you.

Safwan bin Umayyah, the chief of Quraysh,

This chief was the son of Umayyah bin Khalaf. He had fled to Jedda earlier and his uncle asked for his safety. Rasulullah gave them more goats after Hunain. Seeing the generosity of Rasulullah, they accepted islam.

Sohail bin Amr

He was one of the nobles of Makkah, and was known as Khatib Quraysh. These are the ones whom the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) declared at the place of Hudaybiyyah that

Now Allah has made the matter easy. Now Sohail has come, he also became Muslims.

Abu Lahab's sons Atba and Mohitb

You called both of them yourself and prayedtfor them. Both of them also became Muslims.


Umm al-Mominin Umm Habiba's brother Muawiya also became a Muslim.

Return from Makkah to Madinah

You stayed in Makkah for about 15 days. When the Khabah was cleared from the idols, you sent many groups to the neighboring areas.

So remove the idols from these areas as well.

The entire month of Ramadan was spent in this work and the purpose of coming to Makkah was fulfilled.

Treaty of Hudaibiya




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