Conquest of Fort Khayber, Introduction, Conquest of 10 forts

This article is about conquest of khayber. In this article you will read about 
Battle of khayber, Introduction

Background of battle of khayber

Departure of army

Battle strategy

Battle strategy of Khayber people

Names of Khayber 10 forts

Events of battle

Hazrat ali conquered khayber

 Battle of Khyber


At a distance of about three floors from Khyber Medina towards Syria it was an area with a Jewish population. In this place, the Jews had built strong fortresses.

 Passage view of Battle Khyber

It was only a few days before the Prophet returned to Hudaybiyah that he found out that the Jews of Khyber were planning to attack Madinah again. They wanted to avenge the failure of the trench warfare, to regain their lost honor. They had also brought the brave warriors of Babu Ghatfan with them and they had an agreement that if they conquered Madinah. So a share of the, produce of Khyber will always be given to Banu Ghatfan.
(Fatah Al-Bari, Volume 7, Page 356 - Sharh Al-Mawahib, Volume 2, Page 217)

Muslims did not forget  harshness of battle of Trench until the end of the war. That is why all the Muslims agreed that now we will go out and fight the enemy.

(Rahmatul Al-Amin Page 7)

Departure of the army

Only those companions who were mentioned in Surat al-Fatah were included in this army ( that Allah was pleased with them who were taking pledge under a tree.)
Their total strength was fourteen hundred, of whom two were riding horses.

Battle strategy

Hazrat Mohammad knew that Ghatfan had gathered an army with the help of the Jews, that is why you stayed between Khyber and Ghatfan.
So that Ghatfan's army will be overwhelmed by you and will not be able to help the Jews. When the Ghatfanions found out, they went back.

(Sirat Anbi Volume 2 Page 380)

You waited for the morning. When it was dawn, you started preparing. When the Jews of Khyber went out for their work, as soon as it was dawn. But seeing your army, they said that Mohammad had come with his army... Rasoolallah raised his hands for prayer.

The strategy of the people of Khyber

Rasoolullah set up a camp in Khyber and at the same time he started building mosques and preaching. Hazrat Usman was the officer of this camp and all the responsibilities were given to him.


The people of Khyber built ten forts near population. There were ten thousand soldiers in them. These 10 forts were conquered one by one by the Muslims. The names of the forts are below.

 Names  of forts

Fort Naham
Fort Natat
Hassan Sahab bin Mowaz
Hassan Al-Zubair
Hasan Shan
Hasan Albar
Hassan Abi
Hasan Tabari qamoos
Hassan Vita
Hasan Salam

Facts of the war

Mahmud bin Muslimah was made the chief of the army and he started the battle at Fort Natat.
Holy Prophet himself was also a participant in the war. The war continued for 5 days but the fort was not conquered.
Muhammad bin Muslimah also advised them to cut the date palms of the garden.
So that if they feel sad, they should come and fight from the fort. Some dates were cut but Hazrat Abu Bakr said that this area will be taken over by the Muslims so why harm yourself? The Messenger of Allah liked it.
When Mahmood bin Muslima sat down to rest a little by the wall of the fort, the Jews stoned him to death.
Muhammad bin Muslimah narrated the story of his brother's martyrdom to Hazrat Muhammad, then he said,

"Tomorrow, the flag of the army will be hoisted on a person whom Allah and His Messenger love."

It was such a distortion that all the brave men of the army started waiting for the command of the army the next day.

Secrets of war were found by a Jew

One night when Hazrat Ummar was guarding the army, he arrested a Jew.
You entrusted the Jew to the Messenger of Allah. The Jew said, "I will tell you the secrets of war if my lord gives me the safety of my children."
The Jew said that tonight the Jews are keeping their children and women in Fort Shan. I know that place. I will tell you about the fort later. Fort Shaan also has equipment to break the fort in the kitchen.
I will also tell you about the fort later.

Hazrat Ali conquered Khyber

When the entire army gathered in the plane, the Messenger of Allah remembered Ali and found out that his eyes were hurting and you applied your lip balm on his eyes and the pain went away.
When Hazrat Ali was given the flag, he attacked Fort Naham. For the competition, the Sardar of Fort Naham came forward reciting the Rajziya. He was considered equal to a thousand brave men.
In this fight, Hazrat Aamer was martyred by his own sword.
After that, Hazrat Ali was on the field.
 Hazrat Ali used a single sword, and the blade of the sword pierced itself up to the neck of sardar, Marhab. After that, Marhab's brother Yasir came out and Hazrat Zubair bin Al-Awam killed him.
Then the fort was conquered by Hazrat Ali's main attack.
On the third day, Habbab bin Manzar attacked Fort Sahab.
From Fort Sahab, the Muslims got a lot of palm oil, fat, butter, and clothes.
From this fort, the Muslims also got the tools to break the fort, which was reported by the Jewish spy.
Fort Natat was captured the next day, and Fort Zubair, on the top of a mountain was attacked. After two days, a Jew came into the army. He said that the only way to conquer this fort was to cut off the water from the spring leading to the fort.
The Muslims captured the fountain.
Now the Muslims who fought in the open field of the fort defeated them and captured the fort.
Then there was an attack on Hassan Abi Fort. The people of the fort put up a few Jews to defend themselves. The Muslims killed them.
Abu Dujana was ahead and the Muslims supported him and they climbed the wall of the fort. The fort men fled. Goats, clothes and a lot of goods were obtained from this fort.
After a while, the Muslims attacked Hassan Al-Bar, and the people of the fort shot so many arrows there. The walls of the fort will be demolished and this fort will also be conquered.
(Rahmat Lalaamin short biography, Ibn A Hisham biography)


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