What really happened to Bani Quraizah? Ghazwa bani Quraiza

This is an Article about Ghazwa  Bani Quraiza, In this Article you will read about Ghazwa bani Quraizah, its Events and end.

 Ghazwa Bani Quraizah, introduction

Banu Quraizah committed treachery in Ghazwa Khandaq and went away from their agreement. On the day when the Messenger of God returned from the trench, Jibreel sent Allah's order to him to fight the Banu QurayzahAfter preaching the war among the Companions, the Messenger of Allah sent Hazrat Ali away with the order of war. Hazrat Ali, when Banu Quraizah went to their fort, they started abusing him. When the Islamic army in the form of different pieces went to the Bani Qurayzah' s fort. It  surrounded them.
When the situation became tense, the leader of the Jews, Kahab bin Asad, put 3 proposals before the Jews.
1. Accept Islam and join the religion of Muhammad and protect your life and wealth and children.
2. Kill your wives and children with your own hands and then take your swords and go out to the Prophet and strike him with all your might.
After that,be the  winner or be killed.
3. Attack Rasoolullah on Saturday by deception because he would be comforted that there would be no fighting.
After rejecting these three suggestions, they had only one way to surrender to the Prophet and leave the decision of their fate to the Messenger of Allah.
But they wanted to find out the situation after the surrender, so they sent a message to the Messenger of Allah that they would consult Abu Lababa.
Abu Lababa was their ally. Abu Lababa said that the Messenger of Allah would kill them.
It had been many days till now. No decision could be taken. On the other hand, the Muslims were enduring severe cold. When Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Zubair bin Awam stepped forward, Hazrat Ali loudly declared that he was now the  martyr like Hamza or will conquer the fort.
Seeing this belief of Hazrat Ali, Bani Quraizah quickly surrendered themselves to the Messenger of Allah to decide what he thought fit. You decided to bind the men and separate the children and women. You decided to bind the men and separate the children and women.
When the chief of the tribe appealed to him for mercy, he gave the decision to their chief, Hazrat Saad bin Muwaz.
President Saad decided to kill their men and take their women and children as prisoners and divide their property.
After that, the men of Banu Quraiza were killed and Khums was taken from the property and distributed. And he sent the children to Najd under the supervision of Hazrat Saad bin Zayed and bought weapons in exchange for them. The Messenger of Allah chose Rehana bint Amr and she remained with him until his death.

Date of Ghazwa Bani Quraiza

This battle took place in 5 AH, and lasted for 25 days.
Allah revealed many verses about the Battle of Bani Qurayzah and the Battle of Khandaq (Seerat Ibn Hisham, History of Islam Najibabadi, Volume 1, Page 195 to 2015).


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