What is battle of trench, Battle of trench Events and Result?

 This is article about Battle of Trench, In quran battle of trench was named "Ahzaab". In this article you will read about battle of Trench, its introduction, battle field, Events of Battle, chracter of Naeem bin Masood and results of Battle trench.

Battle of trench, Introduction

After establishing the city of Madinah and attempting to create a peaceful environment in which the new Muslim community could thrive, Prophet Muhammad and his companions were once again forced to confront a hostile Meccan enemy threatening the safety and well-being of the fledgling city. This time it was not just an individual Meccan trying to discredit or kill the Prophet, but rather an entire tribe coming directly after him: The Quraish. There was no longer any question as to whether they were going to attack again. In fact, even before Prophet Muhammad returned from the first failed attempt at settlement in Ethiopia (when he sent over 80 followers with Abu-al-As), he informed his companions that they should expect another attack. So when it happened just days later, they were ready. This time they had a plan: take their fight to them by attacking their trade caravans and territories outside of Mecca.

Battle of Trench, Events

A view of battle trench

Abu Sufyan had said that we would attack again next year. According to the promise, he would not come to fight next year. The following year, he took an army of ten thousand men and attacked Madinah, which was called Ghazwa Khandaq. The army of infidels marched towards Madinah All the tribes had planned to march towards Madinah within a fixed time. That is why an army of 10,000 had gathered in Madinah within a few days. It was so much like the entire population of city of Medina.
In Madinah, the informants had informed the Holy Prophet about it.

Defensive wisdom of the people of Islam

As soon as Rasool Allah received the information, the Holy Prophet consulted the High Command Council on the defense plan. Hazrat Sulaiman's proposal to cut the trench himself was accepted. Rasulullah gave every ten men the task of digging 40 cubits of trench.
(Fatih Al-Bari, Volume 7, Page 302, Chapter Ghazwa Khandaq)

The trench was dug so deep that the moisture of the water came out.
(History of Imam Tabari, Volume 3, Page 568)

Before the infidel army approached the walls of Medina, the trench was prepared.

The Holy Prophet along with his army in the fort

Now the trench was between the Muslims and the infidels. The unbelievers were surprised to see the trench. When the infidels found the trench in front of them, they were surprised because the Arabs were not familiar with this method of defense. They  was angry. They started circling the trench.

The killing of Shahswar Arab Ummr bin Abdud

Ummr bin Abdud, Vikrama bin Abu Jahl and Hazer bin Khattab crossed the trench. Hazrat Ali occupied this place with a few men and blocked their way back. So Ummr bin Abdud said to fight.
Hazrat Ali came forward to fight. Ummr bin Abdud  was brave and there was a fierce fight between them. In the end, Hazrat Ali killed him. The rest of the polytheists fled and went across the trench.

An attempt to cross the trench failed

The attempt to cross the trench continued for several days. 6 Muslims were martyred and 10 infidels were killed. Hazrat Saad bin Mowaz was also martyred.

Banu Quraiza's evil

On one hand, the Muslims were on the verge of war. On the other hand, there was a conspiracy by Banu Qurayzah.
Hayy bin Akhtab, the leader of Banu Nazir, said to the chief of Banu Quraiza that now we are failing because of the trench. Now there is only one way. Let us kill Muhammad and his companions. Kahab bin Asad refused, but Hayai agreed. Hazrat Safiya killed a Jew who was planning an attack on Qalha with a piece of wood. The Jews understood that the army was also present in the fort, and they did not dare to attack the fort again. When the Messenger of Allah heard the news, he sent his companions to inform. The companions went to Kahab and reminded him of the promise. He said, which promise? And who is Muhammad? The Companions returned and told the Messenger of Allah that Banu Quraiza had committed treason.

hypocrites opened

Some other hypocrites also made excuses. About them Allah said in quran,
 "They are just making excuses to escape"

The killing of Nawfal bin Abdullah

Nawfal bin Abdullah came with the intention of killing the Messenger of Allah. His neck was broken while crossing the trench And he died.

Character of Naeem bin Masud

Naeem bin Masud Head of Ghatfan came to the Holy Prophet and said,

"O Messenger of Allah!
I have accepted Islam. My people do not know about my conversion.  If you allow me, I will find a solution"

You gave permission.. Hazrat Naeem made such a plan that there was a split between Banu Qurayza and Banu Quraysh. During this time, the Muslims were praying to Allah to cover us and protect us from dangers.
And the Messenger of Allah was praying,
 "O Allah! The one who reveals the book and the one who calculates quickly, defeated these armies, Oh Allah gave them defeat and made them confused".

The enemy fled

Allah accepted the Holy Prophet's prayer. A strong wind was imposed on the tribes of Quraysh and Ghatfan, which destroyed all their tents.
Ropes were broken, pots and tools were broken. Dust started to fill their eyes. The entire army of infidels was disturbed.

Referring to this situation, Allah says in the Qur'an,

"O you who believe, remember the reward of Allah that befell you when a large army of disbelievers came upon your heads. At that time, we sent a storm over your enemies and sent down  armies from the sky that you did not see,  as Angels and Allah is the One who sees your deeds well".

Hazrat Huzaifa went to get news of the enemy

On that very cold night, the Messenger of Allah sent Hazrat Huzaifa bin Yaman to inquire about the infidels. When Hazrat Huzaifah went to their place, it was like that the wind was so strong that nothing remained and the darkness was so great that nothing could be seen. At the same time, Hazrat Huzaifa heard Abu Safafin saying,
"There is no place for the Quraysh to stay here, our animals have perished. Banu Quraiza left us and this wind made us very depressed and it became difficult to walk and stay. Better to go back".

Saying this, Abu Saif got on a camel.

Battle of Trench Results

Final words of the Prophet

When Quraysh returned, the Holy Prophet said:

"Now we will attack them and these disbelievers will not be able to attack us. Now we will attack them".

This means that now the infidels have become so weak that they no longer have enough strength to take any step towards Islam.

Though these events occurred more than 1-400 years ago, they have stood as a source of inspiration for many later generations of military leaders. The Battle of Trench demonstrated how charismatic leadership can triumph even in the face of overwhelming opposition.

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