What is Sulah hudaibiya, Results of Sulah Hudaibiya

 This article is about sulah hudaibiya, events and sulah hudaibiya results. Here you will read all the details of sulah hudaibiya. 

Peace Hudaybiya

Hudaybiya is the name of a cave along with which a village was built. This village is 9 miles away from Makkah.

Hudaybiya departure scene

Rasulullah saw a dream that he and some companions had entered Makkah peacefully. And after Umrah, some companions cut their hair.

On Monday the 1st of Zee Qahda 6 Hijri, the Messenger of Allah left Madinah for Makkah with the intention of performing Umrah.

Around 1500 followers and Ansar were with him. He went to Dhul-Halifa and made a prayer for the sacrifice and made a plan for Umrah. He sent Basar bin Sufyan as an informant to find out the news about Quraysh. His intention was not to fight. That's why he didn't take any kind of war equipment with him, only as many weapons as necessary for the traveler.

(Fatah al-Bari, Volume 5, page 24, Kitab al-Sharot, Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d, Volume 2, page 95)

You were informed that the Quraish had gathered their army after hearing of your arrival and started preparing for war. You left  by another route.

Ambassador's departure from Hudaybiya to Makkah

You sent Khurash bin Umayyah to Makkah to give you the news that we had only visited the House of Allah not because of war. But the people of Makkah slaughtered their camels and they escaped and came to you.

 Departure of Hazrat Uthman to Makkah

The Holy Prophet called Hazrat Uthman and told him to give my message to Abu Sufyan and other chiefs. Hazrat Uthman entered Makkah under the protection of one of his relatives, Aban bin Sayyid. And he gave them a message from the Messenger of Allah. They all gave the same answer that this year, you cannot enter Makkah. And they stopped Hazrat Usman in Makkah, while the news spread that Hazrat Usman had been martyred.


When the Messenger of Allah received this news, he was saddened and said,

 "Until I take revenge for Uthman from them.I won't leave here".
 Rasoolullah sat under this tree and took bait from the people.

When he took the bait from everyone, he placed his left hand on the right hand and said, "This is from the Bait Uthman."
(Sahi al-Bukhari, Chapter Ghazwah al-Hudaibiya, Volume 2, Page 599)

This bait was called Bait Rizwan, but later it was found that the news of the killing of Hazrat Uthman was wrong.
When the Quraysh found out about this bait, they became afraid of it and began to send messages for reconciliation (Fatah al-Bari, vol. 7, page 345).

Embassy of Quraysh for peace

 Ibn Masud came and he saw such a scene of devotion of the Companions to the Messenger of Allah and told to quraysh that,

"What I had never seen before was that his companions obeyed your every order and did not let even your saliva fall on the ground and get it on their hands and face. Don't let a drop of water fall when you ablution. When you speak, there is silence. No one has the courage to look up.
O people, by Allah, I have shown the Darbars. But by Allah, the love I saw there was not seen anywhere else.
I have seen kings but I have not seen anyone like Muhammad, he was not known as a king"

(Sharh al-Mawahib, Volume 2, Page 192)

Later, Muqarz bin Hafiz came from Quraysh. Mukarz Abi was talking about Suhail bin Amro coming to make promises on behalf of Quraish.
The Messenger of Allah saw Suhail and said to the Companions, Your task has become somewhat easier.
(Sharh al-Mawahib volume 2 194)

You were talking to Sohail for a long time. Finally, Hazrat Ali was ordered to write the terms of peace.
 (Saheeh Muslim, Chapter Peace of Hudaybiyyah, Volume 2, Page 102).

Peace terms

The terms of reconciliation are below.

1. There will be no fighting for ten years.
2. Anyone from Quraysh who goes to Medina without the permission of his guardian and master will be returned even if he is not a Muslim.

3. A Muslim who goes from Madinah to Makkah will not be returned.

4. In the meantime, no one will raise a sword or betray.

5. Muhammad the last prophet returned to Madinah that year without his entourage and did not enter Makkah.Next year, after staying in Makkah for only three days, they returned.

 6. No weapon should be without swords, and swords should also be half-armed.

7. It is up to the tribes to participate in whatever peace agreement they want.

(Sharh al-Mawahib, Volume 2, Page 197)

With these terms, the reconciliation was completed and the parties signed.
(Taqabah Ibn Saad, volume 2 page 71, - Fatah al-Bari, volume 5 page 245 to 256)
Then you sacrificed, shaved your head
Your companions also did the same.

Return from Hudaybiyah descent to Sarat al-Fath

After staying for about two weeks, Rasulullah returned from Hudaybiyah. When Hazrat Muhammad left Madinah, the Path of Fatah was revealed.

"Verily, We have given you the Fatah Mubeen".

You narrated this to the Companions.
The Companions asked the Holy Prophet in surprise, "Is this fatah?"
So you swore and said, This is the Great Fatah.
(Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Volume 1, Page 391)

Benefits of Peace Hudaybiyah

The Peace of Hudaybiya was the first step to success for Muslims. This peace was made by the Muslims.
It proved to be a fortune.
Due to this peace, the fighting between the infidels and the Muslims ended, which led to peace. Those who could not manifest Islam started to follow the rules of Islam openly.
The hatred and tension between them was removed, there was an opportunity to talk, there were discussions and debates on Islamic issues.
The Qur'an was heard, the effect of which was that there were not so many people who became Muslim after the peace of Hudaybiyah.
(Fatah al-Bari, volume 5 page 256, Sharh al-Mawahib, volume 2 page 210)


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