8 letters sent by Hazrat Mohammad to kings

 This Site is for Islamic history articles, here you will read almost Islamic history events. THIS article is about Letters which sent by Hazrat Mohammad to kings. In this articles you will read aboout 8 letters, their subject and reply given by kings to hazrat Mohammad.

8 letters sent by Hazrat Mohammad to kings

 Letters written to the kings of the world


 There was opposition to the Arabs before the Peace of Hudaybiyah. Due to which the invitation to Islam could not take place, due to the peace of Hudaybiyah, it became possible for you to invite the kings of other countries to Islam. After returning from the Peace of Hudaybiyah, the Messenger of Allah intended to write a letter to the people in the month of Zul Hijjah 7 Hijri. He gathered all his companions and said to them, 

"O people, I have become a mercy for all humanity. May Allah have mercy on you. You people should not disagree with the disciples, so if they were asked to close, they agreed if they were ordered to go somewhere far away, they sat down on the ground".

 And then the companions advised him to make a stamp. Because the king could not read the letter without a stamp, he made a stamp which was made of silver and it was written  Muhammad Rasoolullah. You wrote letters to the kings and invited them to tell the truth and told them that all the responsibility of the people is on you.

1. First Letter to Caesar Rome

The subject of all the letters was the same in them. It was written that if they accept Islam, they will  get security, if they do not accept it, Then the burden of their people's sins will also be on your head.

Hazrat Daya Kalbi was extinguished by 

Qaiser, Qaiser took the letter and put it on his head. And he said that he would give his answer tomorrow. He 

called the trading delegation of Quraish to the court and spoke to Abu Sufyan.

After believing the authenticity of the Holy Prophet, he refused to convert to Islam, saying  that if I convert to Islam, my kingdom will not remain. And the people of Rome will kill me.

If Caesar Rome had converted to Islam in time, he would have achieved success in this World and the hereafter.

2. Name letter of Kisra Iran

The Messenger of Allah wrote a letter to Khusrau Parvaiz and gave it to Hazrat Abdullah bin Huzaifah. Kisra got angry after seeing your letter and tore the letter into pieces and said that this person write me a letter, so believe me. This person is my slave. Abdullah came and narrate this incident to you.

He sent two men to arrest hazrat Mohammad and he asked them to come tomorrow.

When they came to the next morning, hazrat mohammad said,

 "Tonight, Allah has imposed his son Sherawiya on Kisra. He killed Kisra".

 He said, "Go and inform Bazan that my religion and my empire will reach there as far as the kingdom of Kisra reached."

Bazan heard and said that if this news was true, then by God, he is a prophet.

When this news was confirmed, Bazan became a Muslim along with his family and informed the Holy Prophet of his conversion to Islam.

(Al Badayah and Nahayah, Volume 4, Page 692).

3. Name letter of Najashi king

The Holy Prophet wrote a letter to King Najashi of  Abyssinia and sent Hazrat Amr bin Umayyah. Najashi accepted Islam and sent gifts for hazrat Mohammad.

4. Letter to the King of Egypt

Letter to Mqoqas

The Holy Prophet wrote a letter to the King of Egypt and Alexandria and sent Hazrat Hattab bin Abi Balta.

Muqoqs took your letter with great respect and welcomed Hazrat Hatib and also wrote a letter in reply. And Maria Qobtia was sent as a gift. The second maidservant was named Sareen, who was given to Hazrat Hassan.

(Al-Khasis Al-Kubra, Volume 2, Page 12, Sharh Al-Mawahib, Volume 3, Page 348)

5. Letter to the King of Bahrain

Hazrat Mohaamad wrote a letter to the Shah of Bahrain Manzar bin sawaa and sent it to Ala bin Al-Hazrami.

After reading the letter, he believed it and wrote a letter in reply to him in which he asked some questions. You then write the answers to these questions. 

6. Letter to Shah Amman

By writing a letter to Shah Amman, he persuaded Hazrat Amr bin Aas. Shah Amman had grown up. Abad and Jafar were the two sitting rulers. He respected Hazrat Amr bin Aas. And accepted Islam, many people became Muslims with them.

(Taqabat Ibn As-Saad, Volume 1, Page 18, Sharh Al-Mawahib, Volume 3, Page 353, Zad Al-Maad, Volume 3, Page 62)

7. Name Letter of Ruler Yamama

He wrote a letter to the ruler of Yamamah, Hawza bin Ali, and sent it to Slate bin Amr.

Hawza read your letter with respect and respected Hazrat Slate as well, then wrote a letter in reply saying that what you are inviting is better. Arabs are afraid of me. If you give me some authority, I will follow you. He gave a gift to Hazrat Slate and some clothes, but did not accept Islam.

8. Letter to the ruler of Damascus

Shajah bin Wahib, who was the ruler of Damascus, was angry at first.

threw away your letter and said, "Whoever is going to take my government away from me, I am going to go to him myself."

An article in this letter was also sent to Caesar. Caesar Rome replied  that he should change his mind. After that, Haras called Hazrat Shaja and gave a gift of one hundred shekels of gold.

(Taqabat Ibn As-Saad, Volume 3, Page 94, Sharh Al-Mawahib, Volume 3, Page 356)

From the letters addressed to all these kings, it can be inferred that his mission was not only for the Arabs, but for the world beyond.

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