How Quraysh's social boycott from Banu Hashim?

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How Quraysh's social boycott from Banu Hashim? 

House Of Allah Almighty

Quraysh Social Boycott from Banu Hashim

Hazrat Hamza accepted Islam. After that, Hazrat Umar accepted Islam, so the polytheists were very sorry for this. Then Hazrat Muhammed did not agree with Quraysh and Hazrat Abu Talib decided to support Hazrat Muhammed. The tribe of Banu Hashim and the tribe of Banu Mutallib, all Muslims and infidels, decided to save the life of Hazrat Muhammad. Seeing all this, the disbelievers were shocked. Now he abandoned the intention of murder and imposed a punishment which was more serious than all cruel acts. By suggestion, the Quraysh and the Banu Hashim and the Banu Mutallib made this agreement that 

they would neither marry them nor buy and sell nor sit with them. They will neither live in their houses nor talk to them until they hand over Hazrat Muhammad to them for killing. The polytheists wrote a scripture documenting this conflict,d not reconcile in any way. 

This covenant was written by Mansoor bin Ikramah, because in writing this cruel covenant, Prophet Muhammad cursed him. And his hand became paralyzed. 

All Quraish signed this writing and hung it on the wall of the Kahba. After this, all Banu Hashim and Banu Matlab shifted to Shub Abi Talib that was a three-year period of extreme anxiety. Quraysh closed the doors of the markets on them. The cries of women and children were heard due to hunger. Those Muslims who could not go there, Quraish inflicted cruelties on them. The most difficult 3 years of the Banu Hashim family. Babu Hashim's family spent 3 consecutive years in great pain. Even the voices of the hungry children would be heard, but the Quraish would be happy to hear the voices (Tabqaat ibn e saad part 1 page 139)

 During this period, the Muslims lived by eating leaves. Saad Ibn Awaqas says that

"he was hungry. At night, my foot stepped on something wet and swallowed it. I didn't know what it was"

. When a trading caravan came, Abu Lahab would announce that he would not sell things to the Companions of Muhammad at a low price. Rather, he should charge double the price from them. If there is any damage, I will be responsible. The companions used to come to buy, but seeing the price drop so much, they would go back empty-handed.

 End of the rivalry 

The small children of Banu Hashim crying from hunger and crying in front of their parents were things that Quraysh knew. Many people were heartbroken to see their loved ones in this condition. For this reason, compassionate people came to end the conflict. First of all, Hisham bin Amr thought, ` When it was night, he would leave a camel of wheat for Abi Talib.

 One day, Hasham took it upon himself that Abu Talib's nephew passed by and said, "Do you like that you should get married, and your uncle abu Talib desired  of every grain and if this had happened to Abu Jahl's uncle, he would never have cared about the rivalry.

 Zaheer said that he could not do anything alone and from there he took Muhatm with him.

 When Quraysh entered Haram, everyone said that it is bad that we were eating and drinking. Banu Hashim is dying of starvation. Abu Jahl said: By God, this promise can never go away. 

 Bin Aswad said that he was not satisfied at the time of his writing. Mohtam said that all this is true.. Abu Jahl was stunned to see all this. At the same time, Hazrat Muhammad informed Hazrat Abu Talib that the Muqahata had been eaten by insects. Abu Talib presented this incident to Quraysh and said that my nephew did not tell lies. Abu Talib said, let's decide on this. If the news about Muhammad turns out to be true, then you will stop this cruelty. If it turns out to be wrong, I am ready to hand over Muhammad to you, whether you kill him or leave him alive. People said, Abu Talib, you only talked about justice. At the same time, I saw that the name of the covenant was called, so I saw the rest of the letters except the name of Allah. Seeing this, all viewers will bow down in shame. THEY was saved from trouble for three consecutive years. 10th Nabvi, three years before the migration,  they came out from Shab Abi Talib. (fatah Al Baari, part 7 page 147)


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