What is Aam ul-Huzn?

 This blog is about Islamic history articles. Here you will read about islamic history, This article is about Aam ul Huzn. In this article you will read about important year of islamic history.

What is Aam ul-Huzn?
Bait Ullah

"Aam" means year and "Huzn" means grief and regret. This year, the death of Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib. So this year was named Aam ul Huzn, the year of grief.

Which year was named "Aam ul Huzn"?

10th Nabvi was named Aam ul Huzn because Hazrat Mohammad's two beloved was dead in this year.

Hazrat Abu Talib's Death

After leaving the siege, Hazrat Abu Talib fell ill. He was more than 80 years old, every time accidents and siege made him sick.
It was only a few months after he came out of the siege that he got sick and became seriously ill. 
the disease increased. When the time of Hazrat Abu Talib's death approached, Hazrat Muhammad was with him.
Abu Jahl also was there and he said, 

"Uncle! if you only recite the Kalima Tayyaba, then I will be able to defend you based on the Kalma Tayyaba only".

Abu Jahl and Abdullah bin Umayyah said,

"Abu Talib, will you turn away from the nation of Abdul Mutallib?"

Then these two kept talking to him until the last thing that Hazrat Abu Talib said was,

 "On the nation of Abdul Mutallib".

Hazrat Muhammad said, 

"I will continue to seek forgiveness from you until I am stopped by Allah".

Then these verses were revealed, the translation of which is this:

 "It is not right for the Prophet and the believers to seek forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they are relatives.
When it has become clear to them that they are hellish."

Death of Hazrat Khadijah

Two or three months after the death of Hazrat Abu Talib, Hazrat Khadija died.
His death occurred 10 years after Ramadan, at that time he was 65 years old and Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was 50 years old.
Hazrat Muhammad was saddened after the death of Hazrat Khadijah because he had sacrificed all his wealth for her happiness and God's guidance.
She was the first to believe in you. Hazrat Jibrael sent the greetings of Allah to this wife of Hazrat Muhammad.
Hazrat Khadija had given love to Hazrat Muhammad and she gave him courage to endure hardships and sufferings.
After the death of Hazrat Abu Talib and Hazrat Khadijah, the Quraish's revenge increased.
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