Why did the prophet journey to Taif?

This is site about Islamic studies, and Islamic History , This Article is about A visit to Taif city of Hazrat Mohammad, here you will learn about journey to Taif. For more Articles
Street Of Taif
Visit to Taif 

After the death of Abu Talib, there was no helper for Hazrat Muhammad and after the death of Hazrat Khadijah, there was no one to comfort him.That is why, after the atrocities of the Quraish, he decided to go to Taif on one day, so that these people would accept the guidance of Allah. So they took Zaid bin Haritha and went to Taif. He invited three brothers, Abad, Masud and Habib, who were chiefs there, to Islam.

 Instead of listening to you, he answered you more bitterly. One of them said that

 God made you a prophet to destroy the veil of the Kaaba.
Others also said that,
 "Allah did not find any servant except you for His work".
 3rd chief said, 
"By God I will not talk to you.. If Allah has made you a messenger,
 then it is dangerous to reject your words.

"And if you are not the messenger of Allah, then you are not worthy of attention."

Later they provoked the market boys to throw stones at him and make him laugh. These oppressors threw stones at you so much that you were injured when you sat down from the pain of your injuries, they would hold Hazrat Mohammad by the side and make you stand again for stone rain and laugh.
Zaid bin Haritha, who was with you in this journey, would save you and try and act whatever stone was thrown on him instead of Hazrat Mohammad. In this effort Zaid bin Haritha got injured all over his head and his feet got so injured that they started bleeding.
There was a garden of Utba bin Rabiya and Sheeba bin Rabiya. On return from Taif, you sat there in the shadow of a tree and prayed.
This prayer had to come out of the tongue and it was accepted. The same utba and sheeba, which are harder than a stone. Seeing this, they softened and sent his slave with plate of grapes.
When you recited Bismillah before eating the grapes, they said, 
"People don't say that here"
Hazrat Mohammad asked him,
"Where is your residence and what is your religion."
He said I am a Christian and I am a resident of Nineveh.
You said that where the righteous servant of Allah Hazrat Yunus lived.
Udaas said how do you know them?He said, 

"He was a prophet and he was also my brother" I am also a prophet".

Udaas kissed your forehead and read the kalma.
When he went back to Atba and Shiba, they asked him why you were kissing the hands and feet of this enemy. This person did not divert you from your religion, your religion is better than his religion. 
Hazrat Muhammad used to say that,

" When I raised my head, I saw that a cloud had appeared over my head And Jibreel Amin is present. Jibreel called out to me and said that Allah has heard what your people have answered you.At that time, Allah sent the angels of the mountains to pass by you, so that you can order whatever you want. He said: No, I hope from Allah that Allah will create some people from their descendants who will worship only this Allah.They will not associate anyone with Him.

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