Invitation to Islam to tribal people?

 This is article about Invitation to islam that Hazrat Mohammad gave to tribes and people. In this article you will read about those lucky people who embraced Islam.

Invitation to Islam to tribal people

City of Taif

On the 10th of the Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad went to Makkah from Taif and from there he started inviting individuals and tribes to Islam.

The season of Hajj was approaching, so the arrival of people from distant areas to perform the Hajj duty had started.

You considered this opportunity important and went to the tribes and invited them to Islam.

You invited Banu Amer, Moharib, Fazara Marra ,Hanafia, Salim etc to Islam but none of them accepted your invitation.

Invitation to Islam to the tribes and their response

In the following, we will mention the tribes to whom Hazrat Muhammad invited to Islam

Banu Kalb

Hazrat Muhammad was visited by Banu Abdullah, a branch of Banu Kalb.

He invited them to Islam and mentioned that their ancestors had given their a good name.

But this tribe did not accept your invitation.

Banu Hanafia

Hazrat Muhammad visited them and invited them to Islam, but Banu Hanafiya  also did not accept the invitation to Islam.

When you invited this tribe, a person from these people said Bahira,

We will support you, but if you prevail, will we be the caliph after you? He said, "Allah knows."

So they refused to acknowledge you.

Islam from Mecca

Just as Hazrat Muhammad invited tribes to Islam, he also invited individuals.

Some of them are mentioned in following.

 Sweid bin Samit

He was a great poet. He came to perform Hajj. Hazrat Mohammad gave him invitation of Islam.

He said," I only have the wisdom of Luqman... Hazrat Muhammad said, "Listen to me." He presented quran.

Then you recited the Qur'an to him and he said, "This is better than that, so you accepted Islam."

Yas bin Mowaz

He was resident of Madinah. Some years ago, a delegation of them came to take an oath of support from the Quraish against the Khazraj.

Yas bin Muwaz also came from Medina with the same delegation when Hazrat Muhammad came to find out about this delegation.

When you asked him about his religion, upon telling him, Hazrat Muhammad said, "Shall I not give you something better than that?" You read the Quran.

Yas said, O people, by God, this is much better, but another man came in the middle and said, "Leave us for another purpose."

So Hazrat Muhammed went away, but the delegation also failed to return.

Yas died shortly after returning from Medina. Takbeer was on his tongue at the time of his death, so people believed that he believed.

Acceptance of Islam by Abu Zar Ghaffari

He was living near Madinah when the news of the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammed came to the Swedes and Yass.

So this news reached Abu Zar's ears and he accepted Islam.

(History of Islam, Najeebabadi)

Acceptance of Tufail bin Amr Dosi to Islam

He was a noble person and he was the chief of the Doos tribe. 11 Nabvi When the Prophet came to Medina, the people of Makkah greeted him.

Then the people of Makkah told them that a man had come to us who had divided the entire nation and his speech had the effect of magic.

Even if you stay away from it, it will separate father and son. May it not happen to you too.

Do not listen to him. Quraish scared you so much that you covered your ears so that no sound could be heard.

Tufail himself used to say that 

"one day he went to the Haram and the Prophet was praying.

I stood by them and listened to their words even though I didn't want to. It felt good at that time. I said in my heart that  I am a wise man and I am a poet. The beauty of someone's words cannot remain hidden from me. I will definitely listen to these words.

If it's good, I'll accept it and if it's bad, I'll leave.

When he returned, I also followed him. When he reached his house, I informed him about the situation.

You recited the Qur'an. By God, I have never heard anything better and fair from him.

You accepted Islam at that time (Tabqat Ibn A Saad, Part 4, Page 175. Seerat Ibn A Hisham Part 1 Page 421)

Zamad Azdi

He was from Yemen. He wanted to remove evil from the people. When you were in Makkah, you heard from the people that Muhammad was crazy.

It is possible that a person will be cured by my hands, so he met Hazrat Muhammad and said, "O Muhammad, I am ready to cast out the devil."

Do you need it too? Hazrat Muhammad recited,

 "I bear witness that Allah alone has no partner and Hazrat Muhammad is His servant and Messenger"

You read these words three times after saying Zamad. Zamad said, I have heard the talk of poets, priests and magicians, but I have heard such words for the first time and

I accept Islam in your hands. After that, he accepted Islam.

( Sahi muslim, mishkaat, )

Six lucky people

The majority of the population in Madinah were Khazraj, and Jews lived with them.

The Jews were the people of the book and the people of knowledge. In Madinah, there were fewer Jews. So when the Jews had a fight with the Khazraj, they used to say that a prophet will come and we will destory you all like nation Aad and Irum.


When the season of Hajj came, some people from Khazraj went to Makkah. This is the event of July 11 Nabvi,July,  620

Hazrat Muhammed used to go through the darkness of the night for an invitation to Islam so that no man of Quraysh could obstruct him.

One night you went out with Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Ali. If you hear some people talking, you go to them.

There were 6 people in Yathrib, all of them were Khazraj. Their names are mentioned below.

Ashad bin Zarara

Aof bin Haris

Rafia bin Malik

Qatba bin Amir

Iqba bin Amir

Haris bin Abdullah

You spoke to them and presented the truth of Islam before them and recited the Qur'an.

They said to one another, "Look, he is the Prophet who the Jews used to tell us about. After that, they accepted the religion of Islam.

The Jews did not surpass us so After that, these people went to Medina and took the message of Islam with them from house to house.

The talk of Hazrat Muhammad spread from house to house in Medina.


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