When did the Mehraj incident take place?

 This is site for articles about history. Hrre you will get knowledge about Islamic history and islamic study. This is article about incident Mehraj. Here you will know about that when did Mehraj incident take place?

Mehraj meaning 

Maharaj means rise. This is an event that is the most important part of a prophet's life. The incident of Maharaj of Hazrat Muhammad, the last prophet, being taken up to 7 heavens, Hazrat Gabriel took him on a ride called Buraq to Sidra Tal Mantaha.

Hazrat Jibreel did not go ahead with him. After wiping up to Sidra Tal Mantaha, he said if I went further than that, my feathers would burn. In the event of Maharaj, 5 prayers and 30 fasts became obligatory, and Hazrat Muhammad met 7 prophets in 7 heavens.

When did the Mehraj incident take place?

The incident of Maharaj, the  amazing charisma  of the universe and humanity.

Prophet Muhammad's Da'wah and preaching was going through a phase of success and persecution when the Maharaj incident happened.

Year of the Maharaj


There is a difference of opinion among Ulama Seer that in which year did you get Maharaj?

Scholars have 10 sayings about this.

  1. Maharaj only 6 months before the migration
  2.  8 months before migration
  3. 11 months before migration
  4. One year and 2 months before migration
  5. Three months and one year before migration
  6. One year and 5 months before migration
  7. One year 6 months before migration
  8. Three years before migration
  9. Five years before migration

All these sayings with explanations are available from Fatah Al Bari Chapter Al Maharaj.

The correct saying is that after the death of Hazrat Khadija, the events of Maharaj happened before Bayt Iqba.

Because the first 8 sayings agree that after the death of Hazrat Khadijah, the Maharaj event took place, it is evident from the traditions that Hazrat Khadijah died before five prayers were obligatory.

And this is also the fact that Hazrat Khadija was with you in the Valley Shehb for 3 years.

She died after leaving Shab Abi Talib.

Therefore, it is clear that the incident with Maharaj took place after 10 A.H. 11 A.H  after returning from Taif.

In which month did the Mehraj incident take place?

The months of disagreement are Rabi-ul-Awl or Rabi-ul-Akhaar, Rajab, Ramadan or Shawwal.

The most famous saying was in the month of Rajab.

(Fatah al baari, baab almahraj, part 7 page 154)

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