What happened on Mehraj?

This article is about event Mehraj and how Hazrat Mohammad was brought to the seventh heaven. Here you will read about details of event mahraj.

 What happened to Mehraj?

The hadith narrated by Emma Hadith regarding Maharaj is summarized below.

Allama Ibn Aqeem writes that according to Sahih Qawal, Hazrat Muhammad, along with his blessed body, was mounted on Baraq, along with Hazrat Jibreel,
A tour was conducted from Masjid Harram to Bait-ul-Maqdis. 
Then he descended there and led the Prophets in prayer and Baraq was tied to the door of the mosque.
After that, on the same night, he was taken from the Holy House to the heaven of the world. Gabriel opened the door. Hazrat Muhammad saw Hazrat Adam there.
Hazrat Adam greeted you and said greetings and replied to your greetings and acknowledged your prophethood.
Allah showed Hazrat Muhammad the souls of the righteous and the souls of the unfortunate.
Then he was taken to another heaven and the door was opened. Hazrat Muhammed saw Hazrat Yakhya and Isa Ibn  Maryam there. He
met and greeted both. Both of them responded to the salutations and then acknowledged the prophethood
Then you are taken to the third heaven. Hazrat Muhammad saw Hazrat Yusuf there and greeted him. He replied and welcomed him.
He acknowledged the prophethood 
and then was taken to the fourth heaven, where he greeted Hazrat Idris. He answered the salutation and blessed him, then he acknowledged prophethood.
Then he was taken to the fifth heaven. There he saw Hazrat Haroon and greeted him. He replied and congratulated him and acknowledged his prophethood.
Then you were taken to heaven. There you met Hazrat Musa, you greeted him, he welcomed you and acknowledged prophethood.
When he proceeded from there, Hazrat Musa started crying, so he asked him why he was crying, and he said that a young man was the person who had come after him but
the people of his Ummah will live in paradise more than the people of my nation.
After that, you were taken to the seventh heaven where you met Hazrat Ibrahim and you greeted him and he replied and welcomed him.
After that he acknowledged his prophethood. Ater that he was taken to Sidrat al-Mantaha, There Bait al-Mahmur was revealed to him.
Then you were brought to the court of God and you became so close to God that there was a distance equal to or less than  two bows.
At that time, Allah revealed the revelation to Hazrat Muhammad according to his plan.
God made fifty prayers obligatory on you and your Ummah. 
When you returned and passed by Hazrat Musa.
Hazrat Mussa asked him what Allah ordered him to do and he said 50 prayers.
Hazrat Musa said that your Ummah will not have the strength to offer so many prayers. Reduce them.
You looked at Hazrat Gabriel as if you were taking advice. He indicated yes if you wanted
After that, Hazrat Gabriel took you to Allah, then Allah reduced you to ten prayers and then you came down.
Then you passed by Hazrat Musa, he asked and you told him, then he said again, you will pass by your Lord again and reduce it even more.
 The back and forth between Prophet Musa and Allah continued until Allah did only five prayers.
After that, Hazrat Musa advised him to reduce the number of prayers, but he said, 
"Now I am ashamed of my Lord." I agree with that.
(Zaad al maad pArt 2 page 47)

The wonders of Mehraj.

Before the Maharaj, the incident of Shaq Sadr happened with the Prophet and you will be shown the things of this journey.
Milk and wine were offered to you and you took the milk.
You have seen four streams in Paradise, two external and two internal.
The outward rivers were the Nile and the Euphrates.
You have seen the gatekeeper of hell. Neither he laughed nor cried.
You have seen heaven and hell. You also saw those people who oppressed orphans.
Their lips were like the lips of a camel and they were thrusting coals like pieces of stone in their mouths.
Which was coming out of the stool on the other side.
You saw the usurers, their stomachs were so full that they could not move from their places.
And when the people of Pharaon were taken to the fire, they used to trample them while passing through them.
You saw the adulterers, fresh meat was placed in front of them, along with dirty meat.
These people used to eat bad meat, leaving fresh meat.
You saw those women who put other people's sons on their husbands, you saw them that
 they were hung between the earth and the sky by sticking a fork on their chests.
He saw a caravan of the people of Makkah coming and going and showed them their camels.
You drank their water, which was kept in a covered vessel. At that time, the caravan was sleeping.
This was proof of your claim.

Mention of Maharaj before the nation

Allama Ibn Aqeem said: When the Messenger of Allah got up and informed his people of the great signs that Allah had shown him.
So the denial and agony of the people became more intense. They asked you to see the condition of the Holy Temple.
Allah revealed to you the Holy House and it appeared in front of your eyes.
You told the nation about its signs and they could not deny it.
On the way, he mentioned the caravan to Makkah and told him at what time he would arrive there.
You also mentioned the camel, then everything happened as you said, but the hatred of disbelievers increased.
And these tyrants refused to accept anything.
(Sahi bukhari, part 2 page 684)

On this occasion, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique was given the title of Siddique because he was the first to confirm this incident.

 The Maharaj incident is a matter of pride for the human race. In it, the human being was given the honor that God gave to any other creature.
And this honor was given to us by Hazrat Muhammad, which did not come to any other prophet.
It is a matter of pride for the Muslim Ummah that Allah Almighty blessed the Prophet with the best gifts of prayer and fasting.

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