What is the first pledge in Islam?

 This article is about First pledge. Here you will gain knowledge about first pledge in Islam. 

In the 11th year of Prophethood, during the Hajj season, six people were from Medina accepted Islam. And they had promised to Hazrat Muhammad that they would go to their own nation and preach his message. The result of this was that they used to go to everyone and say,

"that the prophet whom the world was waiting for had arrived. Our ears have heard his words, our eyes have seen him. And He has united us with the living God that the life and death of the world is no longer before us".
The result was that Hazrat Muhammad started being mentioned in every house in Madinah and next year when the occasion of Hajj came.
 So on
Hajjah 12 Nabi July 621, 12 people appeared before him, five of whom were earlier converts to Islam. The rest were seven people. The names of these seven men are given below.

Mu'adh bin Ars
Zakwan bin Abdul Qais
Ubada bin Samit
Yazid bin Suhlbah
Abbas bin Abbada
Abul Hussam
Awaym bin Sahda
The last 2 of them belonged to the Was tribe and the rest belonged to Khazraj.

Bait conditions. 

These people took the bait at the hands of Hazrat Muhammad.

We will worship God alone and will not associate anyone with Him.
We will not do theft or adultery.
We will not kill our girls.
We will not falsely accuse anyone.
We will not cheat anyone.
We will obey the Prophet in a good way.
(Sahi Bukhari chapter baab hlawat al eeman part 1 page 7, chapter wafood al ansaar part 1 page 551- 552)

After the Bait, when these people went to their respective tribes from Makkah, they invited other people of their respective tribes to Islam. And like this, more and more people became Muslims. These people sent Hazrat Muwaz bin Afra and Rafia bin Malik to the Messenger of Allah and made this request.
If they put out someone who gave them Islam, then Hazrat Muhammad put out Muhasib bin Amir.He stayed there with Asad bin Zarara.Hazrat Muhsib and Asad bin Zararah together started preaching Islam with enthusiasm in Madinah.
Hazrat Mohsab came to be known as "Maqari".Which means teacher

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