Why did Hazrat Umar dismiss Khalid bin Walid?

This is an article about Hazrat khalid bin Waleed dismiss from the seat commander of army. Why did Hazrat Umar dismiss Khalid bin Walid?

Why did Hazrat Umar dismiss Khalid bin Walid?

Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed's remarkable achievements in the conquest of Syria
are milestone in the history of Islam. After the conquest of Qansreen, Hazrat Umar said that Khalid bin Walid made himself commander by his achievements. May Allah have mercy on Hazrat Abu Bakr. He was more humane than me, so he gave Khalid bin Waleed his rightful place.
(Tarikh Mulat Volume 1 Page 261)

After conquest of  Yarmouk, Hazrat Umar removed Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed from the post of army commander.

And his place was given to Abu Ubaydah bin Al-Jarrah, when the messenger heard the orders to dismiss.

So Hazrat Khalid demonstrated patience and perseverance.
And established the golden tradition of organization and discipline in the history of Islam.

Why did Hazrat Umar dismiss Khalid bin Walid?

The order to  dismiss was pronounced in the crowded assembly, and the cap was dismissed from the head as a symbol.
So Khalid bin Waleed said, I heard what you said" and I took it up.
Now I am ready to obey the orders of my officers and perform services.

Once Hazrat Umar said,
Khalid and Allah, you are dear to me and I respect you and wrote to the governor,
 "I did not dismiss Khalid bin Waleed because of any displeasure or betrayal, but because of his achievements, people were suffering from temptations.

I dismissed him so that it would be clear to the people that everything that happens is by the will of God "(History of Islam, Nadwi, Part I, Page 140).

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