What important conquests took place during the caliphate of Hazrat Umar RA?

 What important conquests took place during the caliphate of Hazrat Umar RA?

Hazrat Umar's reign is notable for his conquests.

The conquests during Hazrat Uma's reign and the countries that joined his rule are listed:





Holy House


The list of all the marks from the wars and short details  is below.

Battle alghaariq

The battle of Kaskar

Battle Maruha

Battle Boyeb

Battle of qadsiya

Conquest of Halwan

Battle of Jalola

Fatah of Khorizistan

Fatah of Ahvaz

Fatah of Nahavand

Conquest of Isfahan

Conquest of Azarbhijaan

Conquest of Persia

Fatah of Khurastan

Conquest of Damascus

Conquest of Hummus

Conquest of Kansaria

Conquest of Aleppo

Conquest of Antioch

Conquest of Yagras

The Fatah of Bait al-Maqdis.

Conquest of Bait al Maqdis

Conquest of Caesareya

Conquest of Egypt

Conquest of the Fistaat

Alexandria Conquest

Conquest of Alexandria
Conquest of Tripoli

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