Battle of Jaloola in era of Hazrat Umar.

 Battle of Jaloola in era of Hazrat Umar.

Battle of Jalola

Hazrat Amr's opinion was that after the conquest of Iran, the series of conquests should be stopped. He often said that
If there were a mountain of fire between us and Persia, neither they could attack us nor we them.

After leaving Madayn, Iranian troops made Jalula their center and Rustam also dug a trench there.
And spread dirt on all the roads. Hazrat Saad informed Hazrat Umar, so he wrote to Hazrat Saad under the leadership of Hashim bin Atba.

When the army was sent to conquer Jalula, according to the order of the Caliph, Hashim bin Utba and Qahqa with 12 thousand troops went to Jalula.
They influenced him.
But Jalula was a strong city.
And on the other hand, Yazdgerd sending relief troops from the solutions.

So it took months. After months of fighting, the Islamic army launched a massive attack and crossed the trench and entered Jalula.

A great battle between Muslims and Iranians. One hundred thousand Iranians were killed in this battle.

And the Iranians ran away, three million worth of wealth came into their hands (Tarikh Millat, Volume 1, page 235).

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