Military conquests in Hazrat Umar Era, conquest Of Iraq


Military conquests in Hazrat Umar Era, conquest Of Iraq

The conquest of the country had begun after the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr.

In 12 Hijri, the army was defeated in Iraq and all the people of Marrah were defeated.

In the same year, 13 Hijri, Syria was attacked and the Islamic armies spread across the border.

The conquests of Hazrat Umar are quite a lot.

This is a description of those who joined the Islamic government.



Syria and Palestine

Bait ul muqaddas


The compaign and conquest of Iraq

At the time of Hazrat Amr's accession to the throne, war was going on in Iraq and Syria.

That is why Hazrat Umar looked towards him as soon as he ascended the throne. People came from all parts of Arabia for Bayyat at his hand.

You spoke to them and encouraged them to participate in the Iran campaign, but no one came.

On the fourth day, he gave such a speech that Hazrat Masna bin Harsa got up and said, "Muslims, I have tried the Magi, they are not men."

We have conquered the districts around Iraq and now the foreigners have accepted us.

Abu Ubaydah was also among those present. He said, "I am ready to go to war."

Abu Ubaydah's courage warmed up all those present, so Hazrat Umar sent him  with a few thousand people on a campaign to Iran. On the other hand, Hazrat Umar sent Hazrat Muthna bin Harsa to  Iraq and ordered him to wait for Abu Ubaydah.

The previous wars in Iraq made the Iranians wary, and the Iranian leaders forgot their differences.

He thought of a strategy to fight the Muslims. After much deliberation, he enthroned Boran Dakht. And the advisor to Sardar Rustam, who was famous for his intelligence, courage and courage

He was appointed as the army chief of Boran Dakht.

And all the people of Persia agreed that they would not deny Rustam's initiatives. Rustam filled the religious sentiments of Iranians.

And the entire Iranian nation got ready to fight against the Muslims and within a few days, a rebellion spread in Iraq and the Iraqi district was out of the hands of the Muslims.

In the course of modern military organization, Boran Dakht appointed two famous brave men of Iran, Narsi and Jaban, to help Rustam.

Both of them had left with their armies from two different routes and Abu Ubaydah was coming from the other side.

Battle of Ghaariq 

When Masana bin Harsa reached Iraq, he came to know about the situation, but he kept waiting for Abu Ubayd Thaqafi as instructed.

Abu Ubaidah Thaqafi reached Iraq after one month.

After resting for a few days, Abu Ubaydah arrived to fight with Jaban. The two armies clashed. The Iranians fought fiercely but were defeated and fled.

And they were defeated, when two officers were killed and he himself was captured alive.

But the Muslim soldier who arrested him did not know him, so Jaban said to the soldier that I am a old soldier.

If you leave me, you will be rewarded. The Muslim soldier agreed.

When Jaban was brought to Abu Ubayd, the other soldiers said:

If he saved his life by deception, then killing him was the right thing to do.

But Abu Ubaidah said that it cannot be that if a Muslim has given Aman, then it is necessary to accept the nation.

There is no conflict of promise in Islam.

The battle of Kaskar

Abu Ubaidah then proceeded to Kaskar, where Narsi had gathered his forces.

The battle took place at Sakatiya and the Iranians fought bravely but were defeated.

After this defeat, the chiefiains of the nearby areas of Saktia came under the command of Abu Ubayd.

Rustam was enraged by the defeat of Jaban and Narsi, and sent Mardan Shah, an Iranian chieftain, with a fresh army.

And as a blessing he was given the ancient flag of Iran, which was the sacred flag of the Iranians and was considered a symbol of Fatah.

Mardan Shah landed an army on the bank of the Euphrates. There were Muslims on the other side, there were Muslims on the other side, everyone wanted to avoid crossing the river.

But Abu Ubaid had such enthusiasm for Jihad that he crossed the river despite the disagreement of the Muslims.

As soon as they crossed the river, the war started. The side the Muslims were on was not suitable, there were elephants in the Iranian army.

Seeing the elephants, the Arabs were shocked and the Muslims were forced to walk.

They cut the ropes of the bellies and made the elephant riders fall.

Abu Ubaid stabbed an elephant but the blow missed and the elephant wrapped him in its trunk and trampled him under his feet.

As soon as Abu Ubaydah was martyred, the Muslims retreated, but the space was short, the Iranians were ahead and Darya was behind them.

That's why a thousand Muslims drowned in the river. Mushana bin Harsa saved three thousand people. When Hazrat Amr heard about it, he was saddened and the rest of the Muslims were also sad.

Battle of Bueb and the defeat of the Iranians

When the Muslims were about to be defeated in the battle of Maruha, Hazrat Umar gave passionate speeches in his sermons.

With the encouragement of Hazrat Amr, the Arabs also joined the Muslims and Hazrat Amr sent a fresh army under the leadership of Hazrat Abdullah.

On the other hand, Hazrat Muthna had organised an army of the border tribe.

When Boran Dakht came to know about these preparations, she sent Mohran bin Jaban to fight with 12 thousand troops.

Muslims was encamped in Bueb, Moran came to Bueb and crossed the Euphrates and formed ranks.

There was a fight between the Muslims and the Moran,

 a man from Banni Taghlib killed Mohran.

Hazrat Masna stopped the bridge of Firat and killed all the army who tried to cross it. After that, Muslims all spread in Iraq.

After the defeat in the Battle of Boyab, the Iranians removed Boran Dakht from the government and made Yazdgerd their king

He was an enthusiastic young man of 21 years, he started war preparations. On the other hand, Hazrat Amr also started preparations for war with enthusiasm.

Hazrat Amr prepared an army of 20,000 and sent Saad bin Abi Waqqas to Iran with 20,000 troops.

The army was the first to stay at the noble place, at that time, Hazrat Musna was waiting for Hazrat Saad, his army was 8 thousand strong.

And he died due to illness before reaching Saad.

Hazrat Umar gave instructions to Hazrat Saad to stay at the place of Qadsiya and form a front so that the land of Iran is in front and the mountain of Arabia is in back.

And the mountain of Arabia gave protection in the case of a conquest, and in the case of defeat, take refuge in the mountain.

(Tarikh Tabari, Volume 4, Page 2223 to 2229)

After reaching Qudsiya, Hazrat Saad showed the map of Qudsiya to Hazrat Amr, Hazrat Amr gave instructions that before the war, Islam

Before the war, Islamic ambassadors should be sent to the Iranian court to propagate Islam.

Hazrat Saad stayed in Qudsiya. Qudsiya was very green and had canals and bridges

According to Hazrat Saad's order, Hazrat Nouman sent 14 men to preach in the court

The embassy failed.

And came back (Blazerari, p. 226)

Rustam had experience of war with the Muslims, so he kept making excuses to avoid the war and kept putting off the war till the end.

And the embassy continued for a long time, but the final answer of the Muslims was that if there is no Islam or Jizya, then the decision will be made with the sword.

Rustom's plans failed and he got angry and said, "By God, I will kill everyone tomorrow before the sun rises."

After hearing this, Hazrat Saghira came back and Rustam had one hundred and twenty thousand troops.

He angrily ordered to prepare.

In the morning, the field of Qadsia was filled with soldiers and behind them black elephants were presenting a strange and terrifying sight.

On the other side, the army of Mujahideen was standing.

The whole day fight continued and at night both the rivals returned to their respective tents.

On the first day, the elephants did a lot of damage to the Muslims. This was the first battle of Qudsiya.

In Arabic it is called Yom al-Ras.

On the second day, the battle was over, and at the time of the battle, Hazrat Amar's army arrived and brought gifts for the brave men.

Due to which the army became more enthusiastic, on the second day, Arabs put black burqas on camels, which made the Iranians angry. The battle continued till midnight. Ten thousand Iranians were killed, their prominent officers were killed, two thousand Muslims were martyred.

In the third movement known as the Battle of Almas, the Muslims tried to get rid of the black elephants.

Hazrat Saad consulted the Muslim Parsis and they said that the elephants' trunks and eyes have been made useless.

The Muslims shot the elephants with spears and made their eyes useless.

Hazrat Kahqa struck the white elephant in such a way that its trunk was separated and it ran away and the elephants behind it also ran away.

Due to which the ranks of the Iranians were distroyed.

The elephants trampled their own army under their feet.

Now the Muslims attacked with full force, and the fight continued till night.

The battle could not be decided on the next morning either, Rustam was sitting on the throne and fighting his army, now he entered the field himself.

He fought very bravely and ran away from his wounds, but a Muslim killed him with a sword.

The decision of the kingdom of Iran was decided by the killing of Rustam, the Iranian army fled, the Islamic army chased him and killed countless Iranians.

The battle of Qudsia decided the fate of Kasra Iran and its family, the Islamic flag started flying over the kingdom of Kasra.

Thirty thousand Iranians were killed and 8 thousand Muslims were martyred in the Battle of Qadsiya.

Hazrat Saad sent a messenger to Hazrat Umar with the good news of Fatah (Tareek Millat, Vol. 1, Page 231, Tarek Tabari, Vol. 5, Pages 2235 to 2368).

Capture of Takht Madayin of Iran

After the Fatah of Qudsiya, Hazrat Saad stayed in Qudsiya for two months. When his forces were fresh,

He proceeded to conquer Madayin, reminding the Muslims of Prophet Muhammad's prediction that a group of Muslims would conquer the palace.

The Muslims went beyond Qudsiyya, the Tigris river between Madinah and Qudsiyya.

 Hazrat Saad took the name of Allah and threw his horse into the river.

Seeing them, the entire army entered their horses into the river. When the Iranian army saw them, they said that ghosts had come.

And the entire Iranian army ran away. When the Islamic army reached the other side of the river, there was no one to resist.

The king of Iran ran away and reached Helwan. The  Muslims put the Islamic flag on the palace

In this conquest, the hands of the Muslims got a lot of wealth. Hazrat Saad took out the fifth part and distributed the rest of the wealth among the Muslims.

In addition to valuables, each soldier received 14,000 dinars.

When Khums reached Madinah, they distributed it among the deserving.

Fatah Halwan.

Now the Iranians were sitting in the Halwan, the Islamic army under the leadership of Hazrat Qahqa left for the Halwan, and defeated the Iranian army.

And when the city was occupied, Hazrat Qahqa stayed in Halus and made common Ehlan those who would accept Islam or Jizya.

They will be safe. Many nobles became Muslims on this demand. This was the last Fatah of Iraq because it ends here.




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