Conquest of Jerusalem ( Bait al Maqdis) by Umar

 This article is about conquest of Jerusalem bait al maqdis by Umar. In this article you will gain knowledge how conquered bait al maqdis hazrat Umar.

Conquest of Jerusalem(Bait al Maqdis) by Umar

When Hazrat Abu Bakr went to Syria, there were different officers from each province and the officer who went to Palestine was Hazrat Amr bin Alas.
He captured the nearby cities of Nablus, Lod, Amwas and Beit Jibreen before attacking the Holy Temple.

When did Hazrat Umar conquer Jerusalem?(Bait al Maqdas)

In 16 Hijri, Hazrat Umar bin Alas captured

Jerusalem (Bait al-Maqsas), which was the main city of Syria.

At the same time, Abu Ubaydah also arrived. The Christians defended themselves for a few days, but their strength was completely exhausted.

In the end, he asked for reconciliation and, for his own satisfaction, he wished for Hazrat Umar to write the agreement himself.
And if you sign this agreement, we will hand over the Holy House to the Muslims.

Hazrat Uamr's journey to 

Jerusalem (Bait-ul-Maqdis)

Hazrat Abu Ubaidah gave his message to Hazrat Umar that the Fatah of Bait ul Muqdis depends only on you.

Hazrat Uamr gathered all his companions and consulted about his Holy House.
Hazrat Uamr made Hazrat Ali his guardian and left for  Jerusalem (Bait al-Maqdis)on Rajab 16 Hijri.

Hazrat Amr made this journey very simply with only one slave.
And this journey was on a camel. One destination was Hazrat Amar and the other destination was riding a slave.
Hazrat Uamr Bait al-Muqaddas reached the place of Jabia, where Yazid bin Abu Safin and Khalid bin Waleed welcomed him.

So at that time, Ghulam was riding a camel and Hazrat Amar was on foot.

What was the conquest of Jerusalem?(Bait al Maqdis)

 He stayed in Jabiya for a long time and the covenant of Bait al-Maqdis was also written there. The agreement was that lives and wealth would be saved and they would not be harmed.

And here the Christian leaders came to Hazrat Umar.

Entering the  

Jerusalem(Bait al Maqdis)

After this covenant, Hazrat Umar entered the holy house at night.
First, he entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque and offered two rakat prayers in the Mihrab Dawood.
And then offered Fajr prayer at the same place.

Returning from the  

Jerusalem (Bait al Maqdis)

After signing the agreement with the Christians, Hazrat Umar returned to Medina.
​Bait al Maqdis is a sacred place for muslims. It was first worship place of Muslim where muslime did pilgrimige.

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