What is Fitrana?

 What is Fitrana?

Fitrana is a compulsory charity that is observed by Muslims at the end of Ramadan. It is a taxation imposed upon a Muslim's wealth to show that they are grateful for the blessings that they have received. Every Muslim is required to donate 2.5 kilograms of wheat, barley, dates, or raisins – or their equivalent value in cash – to the needy people in the community. 

When Fitrana should be given?

Fitrana should be given before the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer and is an essential part of the Islamic faith. According to a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, the lack of offering fitrana can be incredibly detrimental to a person's faith since it is considered a sign of ingratitude for the blessings that a person has been given during the holy month of Ramadan. 

Concept of Fitrana

The concept of Fitrana is based on the Islamic belief that a Muslim must give in charity what is considered to be necessary for their own sustenance. This is done in order to ensure that the less privileged members of the community have a dignified celebration during the festive period of Eid. This kind of charity encourages us to empathise and help those who are in need and to remind us not to forget those who do not enjoy the same privileges in life that we do.

By donating Fitrana, we are cultivating a culture of giving and showing gratitude for all the blessings we have received. Although the amount may seem insignificant in monetary value, the act of offering Fitrana is a gesture of goodwill that is deeply entrenched in Islamic faith and tradition.

Fitrana is Moral obligation 

Although Fitrana is considered a mandatory obligation for Muslims, the benefits of donating go far beyond a moral obligation. It can foster a sense of togetherness and a sense of responsibility for all members of the community. It is this sense of responsibility and shared values that will encourage us to take other acts of charity and step up in any way we can to help those who are less fortunate. 


In conclusion, Fitrana is a compulsory charity given by Muslims at the end of Ramadan – a compulsory donation of 2.5 kilograms of wheat, barley, dates, or raisins, or the equivalent cash value. Fitrana brings us together

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