What were important Events after Migration To Madina?

 Here is an article about important events after migration to Madina. In this Article you will learn about those events that were beginning for the new Islamic state. 

Events After Migration to Madina 

The Messenger of Allah came down to the house of Abu Ayyub Ansari in Madinah on 12th Rabi ul awwal, 1st Hijri according to 27th September 622. And at that time he had said that God willing, this would be the destination. Then he moved to Abu Ayub's house.

Masjid nabwi

Construction of Masjid Nabwi

 In the building of Masjid Nabawi, where camels came and sat, there were two orphans. You made it known who this place belongs to. So it was found that this place belonged to two orphan brothers, Sohail and Sohal. In that place there were some palm trees and there were some graves of polytheists that Mowaz bin Afra said that these two boys are my relatives and are being brought up by me. I will satisfy them. You should build a mosque here. When you asked that we would pay the price of this place, Abu Bakr paid the price. Later, he ordered them to cut the palm trees on this land and level the graves of the polytheists. After that, he gave an order to make raw bricks and at that time these verses used to read the meaning of which is below:

 "O Allah, there is no good except the good of the Hereafter, so help the Ansar and the Muhajireen. Those who desire only the good of the hereafter".
 (Fatih al-Bari, Sharh al-Bukhari, vol. 7, page 193)

 Talak bin Ali was given the task of making the slurry (Sharh al-Mawahib, Volume 1, page 368) 

This mosque was unique in its simplicity, the walls were made of raw bricks, and there were palm fronds. There was a mat of palm branches and leaves. When it rained, the water would come in, and then the mat was covered with mud. The mosque was 100 yards long and about 100 yards wide and had foundations three cubits deep. The height of the walls was higher than the height of Adam, the wall was placed towards the holy house and three doors were placed in the mosque. A door was placed on the side where the wall of the Qibla is now. And the second door was towards the west, which was called Bab-e-Rahmat, and the third door was for Rasoolullah coming and going, which is now called Bab-e-Jabriel. Later, the back door was baned and the front door was fixed. The Masjid was built twice in the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah. In the first construction of the mosque, the measurement of the mosque was less than a hundred yards. After the conquest of Khyber, the mosque was rebuilt. This time, the mosque was expanded by taking more land, and rooms for Holy wives of the Prophet.

Consctruction of wives room.

 When he finished the construction of the mosque, he laid the foundation of the rooms for his wives. And two rooms were prepared, one for Hazrat Ayesha and the other for Hazrat Sauda. The rest of the rooms continued to be renovated later as needed.

 (Sahih Bukhari Volume 1 Page 56).

 Meanwhile, the Messenger of Allah sent Zaid bin Haritha and Abu Rafiyya to Makkah To bring Hazrat Fatima, Umm e Kulsoom and Hazrat Souda. Abu Bakr sent Abdullah bin Abu Bakr along with them to take Hazrat Ayesha, Asma, Umm e Roman and Abdurrahman. When Zaid bin Haritha was in Madinah, you moved to the rooms next to the house of Abu Ayyub Ansari.
 (Sharh al-Mawahib Volume 1 Page 370) 

Ansar Muwajreen Brotherhood

 When the Mujarin left everything in Makkah for the sake of Allah and came to Madinah, the Messenger of Allah performed an act of love and kindness. He also made the Ansar and the Mujarins so that the grief of separation from their countrymen and families would be replaced by the Ansar's friendship. It is difficult to find an example of that. They also gave their land and gardens to the tenants along with their wealth and property. Even Ansari, who had two wives, said to his brother that I would divorce the wife he liked and marry her.

 (Biography of Ibn e Hisham, Volume 1, Page 563)

 Mutual agreement

The Messenger of Allah made a promise to the above-mentioned brotherhood. The foundations of tribal conflict will be destroyed. His messages are briefly presented below. This essay was written by Prophet Muhammad between Qureshi, Arabic and Muslims. 
1. Quraysh will pay the deet according to their previous status. And among the believers, they will give ransom for their captives, and all the tribes of the Ansar will give deet according to their previous condition. And each group of them will pay the ransom of their prisoner with justice. 
2. A believer will kill a believer in exchange for a disbeliever, nor will he help a disbeliever against a believer. 3.  The responsibility of Allah will be one and the responsibility of one person will be applied to all Muslims. 4. The Jews who follow us will be helped and other Muslims will be Muslims. They will not be oppressed and no force will be used against them. 
5.  The peace of the Muslims will be one.. No Muslim will be expedient in the matter of murder  except another Muslim. 
6.  No polytheist can shelter the lives and property of any Quraysh, nor can he be an obstacle to protecting a believer. If a person kills a believer, if there is evidence, he will be avenged. 
7.  It will not be permissible for a believer to help a rioter If he does this, then anger of Allah will be on this believer on the Day of Judgment.
8. Any disagreement between you will be returned to Allah.
 ( (Arrahiq al-Makhtoum with reference to Sirat Ibn A Hisham Volume 1 page 502-503) 

Agreement to the Jews of Madinah

They were settled and their population was quite high and they had educational madrassas in Madinah and Khyber. These people were people of the book, they had enough knowledge about the last prophet, but envy and hatred were in their hearts. When hazrat Mohammad migrated to Madinah, their enmity doubled. The Holy Qur'an was full of the wickedness of the Jews, so the Messenger of Allah made an agreement with them. With the settlement of this , Madinah became a federal government with Madinah as its capital. It was headed by the Messenger of Allah and in which the word of Allah was enforced and ruled by Muslims. All the people of Madinah have signed up in this matter.

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