What is the second pledge in Islam?

 This is Article about the second pledge in Islam. Here you will learn about second pledge in islam, how many people were in pledge and how they arranged meeting for pledge?
Bait Ullah

Second pledge in Islam

In the thirteenth year of Prophethood, the season of Hajj, June 622, from Yathrib, more than seventy Muslims performed the Hajj in Makkah. These people were on their way when they started asking each other how long we would see the Messenger of Allah stumbling in Makkah. Then, when the Muslims of Madinah went to Makkah, they started communicating with the Prophet.
It was agreed that the two sides should meet in a gorge near Jamra Uqaba on 12th Zilhajja.And this should be done in the dark of the night in a completely secret way.

Pledge description

Hazrat Kahab tells the details of the incident,

That we people, according to the constitution, spend this night with our people in our respective homes. When a third of the night had passed, they passed through their respective tents and went to the resting place with the Messenger of Allah. We used to sneak out of the house like a sparrow coming out of its nest.Until we all gathered in Aqaba, our total number was 75, including 73 men and 2 women. We all gathered in the valley and waited for the Messenger of Allah. Finally, the moment came when you came with your uncle Hazrat Abbas. He was still in the religion of his nation but wanted to be there for his nephew.Hazrat Abbas started the conversation first.

Explanation of the matter by Hazrat Abbas

When everyone gathered, Hazrat Abbas first opened his tongue. His purpose was to fulfill this responsibility and explain the responsibility that was going to fall on the heads of those who came from Yathrib
So, he said,

"O! People of Khazraj!
You all know the position of Muhammad among us. We kept Muhammad away from the evil-doers.
Now the Messenger of God has insisted on going with you. If you people understand that you will take care of affairs in every situation and protect them from their opponents. Then you know the responsibility that you have taken, but if you think that you will take them with you, then you will be with them. So you leave them now".

Kahab says that we said to Abbas that we have heard you, O Messenger of Allah, now tell us, for yourself and for your Lord.Make the commitment you want.
You spoke, first recited the Holy Qur'an, called to Allah and then called to Islam.

Conversation of the Messenger of Allah with the People of Yathrib at second pledge

The Messenger of Allah read the message of Allah to the Ansar, and after hearing it, they all became full of faith.
All these people said, "O Messenger of Allah, walk with us in our city, so that we can obtain full grace.

Hazrat Muhammad said,
"Will you help me fully in promoting religion?
When I move to your city, will you be my companion?
Will you support me like your family and friends?
Believers asked, what will we get to do this?
 You said heaven
The believers said, "O Messenger of Allah, please console us that you will not leave us".
The Prophet said, "My life and death are with you people."
After hearing this last phrase, all follwers satisfied.
(Seerat Ibn A Hisham, Volume I, Page 491,Sirat Mustafa Volume 1 Page 377)

Provisions of second pledge

The incident of second pledge was narrated by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal in detail by Hazrat Jabr.
Hazrat Jabir saw that we asked, O Messenger of Allah, what we should ask you about. You said that on this matter:
  1. You will listen and obey in every situation.
2.Poverty and prosperity will always cost you money.
3. You will enjoin good and forbid evil.
Rise up in the name of Allah and rebuke someone who blames someone in the matter of Allah
4.When I come to you, you will help me, and with that which you protect your life and your children, protect me.

Completion of pledge

Asad bin Zararah along with Musab bin Amir were the most important preachers of Islam in Medina.
First of all, he performed the pledge, then the public performed the pledge.
The women who were present on this occasion only verbally asked them because Hazrat Muhammad did not shake hands with any woman.
(Sahih Muslim Chapter, Bayt-in-Nisa Vol 1 Page 131)

Twelve leaders

Then Hazrat Mohammad said that hazrat Mosa had chosen 12 leaders from among the Israelites.On this day, I choose twelve leaders from among you with the instructions of Gabriel. You are the guardians of your people As the disciples who were the sponsors of Hazrat Issa.
(At Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Muhammad Bin Saad, Volume 1, Page 150)

Names of Leaders

1.Asad bin Zarara
2.Abdullah bin Ruha
3.Saad bin Rabbah
3.Rafia bin Malik
4.Abu Jabr bin Abdullah
5.Bara bin Mehrur
6.Saad bin Ubada
7.Ubada bin Samit
8.Asir bin Hafir
9.Saad bin Khasmah
10.Manzar bin Amr
11.Rafah bin Abdul Manzar

The Leaders were chosen by Allah.
Imam Malik used to say that one of the Sheikhs from Ansar spoke to me,

"At the time of election, Jibreel Amin used to tell Rasoolullah by signs that such and such a servant should be leader".
(Zarqani Sharh al-Mawahib Volume 1 page 371)

The condition of Satan

When the agreement was completed, a devil found out about it, so he shouted loudly from the top of the valley. Never heard such a loud voice. He shouted, 

"O people of valley, do you know this Mozamim and his believers are gathered to fight with you".
The Messenger of Allah said, "This is the devil of this valley, his name is Zabab bin Uzbib."
The Messenger of Allah said,
"Listen to this enemy of God with open ears. I swear by God, I will be ready for you soon".
Then he told the companions to go to their respective places.When this news spread in Makkah, there was mourning.
The Quraish came out of their houses and shouted in the tents of the Ansar.
"People of Khazraj, we have come to know that you want to take Muhammad from among us".
And you are relying on them to fight us. There is no tribe that is so hateful to fight as you.

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