How Muslims planned a programme of Hijra to Madinah?

This Article is about Hijrah to Madeena. When Hazrat Mohammad thought that for rapid spread of Deen Islam they should go to some place where they can preach of islam easily. So there accured event of Hijra. Here in this article we will discuss only Hijra of Muslims. Hijrah of Prophet is in 2nd part of this blog.



Programe of Hijra to Madinah

The mission of Hazrat Muhammad did not end only in bringing a few people to the right path.Rather, entire humanity was to bow before the Lord, to call them to Islam, and to purify the Kaaba from idols. And this work was not possible while living in Makkah. It has been ten years since the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammed. Even after suffering the hardships of their year, few people have become Muslims.That is why a peaceful place was needed to spread the religion of Allah.After Aos  Khazraj's acceptance of Islam, a support group for Islam was born in Madinah.Those who were ready to sacrifice everything of their wealth, that is why Hazrat Muhammad thought of transferring the center of Islam from Mecca to Medina.
The Ansar considered him to be their blessing and honor, and they kept their eyes on his path.Muslims are allowed to leave their homeland. Hazrat Muhammad allowed those people to go to Yathrib who had not yet left Makkah and were more oppressed. And these people did not have the slightest sorrow about leaving their homes. Rather, the happiness was that they would be able to go to Yathrib and worship their Lord.
When the Messenger of Allah gave permission to the people to leave Makkah and go to Madinah, the order was given that these people leave their homes and relatives and go to Madinah.When the Quraish saw that these people were going to migrate, they started putting thorns in the path of the emigrants.
(History of Islam by Najib Abadi, Volume I, Page 138)

Migration problems

The emigrants faced severe condemnation from the Quraysh of Makkah. Hazrat Umay Salma says that my husband Abu Salma decided to migrate and made me sit on a camel with my little one left in my lap. When we started to leave, my clansmen said that" you can go but our girl cannot be taken". Umme Salma used to go to the same place where she was separated from her husband and children every evening and would come back crying for hours.A year passed by crying. His cousin also felt sorry for him. He asked both tribes and gave permission to Umay Salma to go Madina. Umme Salma alone rode a camel and went to Madinah.
Almost every companion has to face such difficulties. When Sohaib Rumi started to migrate, the infidels came to him.they  said that when Sohaib came to Makkah, he was a poor man. Staying here, you earn rupees. Now you want to take all the wealth with youWe will not allow this to happen. Sohaib asked them," Do you want to take all the wealth from me? They said yes.Hazrat Sohaib gave all his property to them.And they left for Madinah. After hearing all this, Hazrat Muhammad said that Sohaib had made a profit.

When Hazrat Hisham bin Asa planned to migrate, the polytheists of Makkah came to know about it.They caught Hazrat Hisham and imprisoned him.Hazrat Ayyash was about to leave for Madinah after migrating, when Abi Jahl went there.
He took them to Madinah by deception and imprisoned them there, but later Allah made it possible for them to leave ther
( Albdawia wan Nawia volume 3 page 2, seerat ibn e hasham volume 1 page 524)

They gave pains in every way, so that, despite all kinds of obstacles, one by one, the Muslims.

migrated to Madinah

There, all these emigrants were the guests of the Muslims of Madinah. Those emigrants who came from Makkah were called Muhajireen and those who lived in Madinah were called Ansar.
Now the 14 Prophets had passed away, only Hazrat Muhammad, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Ali and their families remained in Makkah.Some very thin and weak people who had no strength were left behind in Makkah. All the rest of the Muslims had left for Madinah and most of the houses in Makkah where the Muslims lived were left empty. Hazrat Muhammad did not intend to emigrate because he was waiting for God's command.
He stopped Hazrat Abu Bakr to accompany him on his journey. At the same time, Hazrat Ali was also waiting for your permission.

Migration is a challenge for polytheists

When the polytheists saw that the Companions of the prophet were ready to leave, they became angry. They was very sad because they was not free from this condition before. Now there was such a great and real danger in front of them, which was a very bad challenge for them,
The polytheists knew that Muhammad had great leadership and guidance as well as great power and influence.There is a spirit of determination and courage among your companions. Then the Khazraj tribes have strength and fighting ability. Because of Islam, Khazraj and Aos forgot all their grudges and became brothers of each other.
They also realized that their trading capital passed along the Red Sea coast from Yemen to Syria.
From the point of view of the city, Madinah is located in a very sensitive and delicate position in terms of military importance.
The annual trade of the Meccans from Syria was in the proportion of two and a half lakh dinars of gold.
This trade was possible because of thispeaceful route.
From these details it can be estimated that the migration to Madinah was going to be a challenge for  them.
Faced with the above situation, they started thinking of a successful solution to this threat.
The polytheists of Makkah for this purpose, after the decade of Bait-i-Aqba, 26th Safar, 14th Prophethood, the day before Thursday.
The worst meeting in history was held and all the tribes of Quraysh participated in it.
In which they planned to kill Hazrat Muhammad.

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