What are incidents before Migration to Madina?

 This is article about events before migration to Madina. Here you will read about Migration to Madina. You will gain knowledge about how hazrat Mohammad planned a plan about Migration to Madina.


Incidents before migration to Madina

Emergency meeting of Quraish in Parliament

When the infidels saw that the Muslims were migrating to Medina, they called an emergency meeting.The purpose of the discussion was to arrange such a plan to end the story of the issue. At the appointed time, when all the members had arrived, the devil came and stood at the door in the form of Sheikh Jalil.
People asked which sheikh this was.. Iblis said this was a sheikh from the people of Najd. He came to listen to your program and wanted to hear things. He might have given some good advice. People said you should come inside.

Proposal of Quraysh in Darnadah

When the Quraysh gathered together, the Ijtama was held and the debate continued till the end of the day. Everyone gave suggestions, but in the end, Abu Jahl suggested the killing of Hazrat Muhammad, which was agreed upon by all. There are three things in this proposal.
1. One young man should be selected from each famous Arab tribe.
2. Let all these brave men besiege Muhammad's house in the darkness of the night.
3. When Muhammad went out for the Fajr prayer, at that time, these brave men struck him with their swords.
Its advantage would be that there would be one person from each tribe and no one would be blamed for the murder. Everyone agreed to this proposal and everyone went to their homes.
 When this meeting ended, on the other hand, Hazrat Jibreel came to Hazrat Mohammad.
He spoke verses of Allah Almighty,

 "And remember when the disbelievers were plotting to imprison you or kill you. Or throw you out. They were making plans one by one, and Allah always makes plans. And Allah is the best of planners (Surat Anfal: 30).

You were informed about the whole incident and the message of Allah's permission to migrate to Madina was conveyed and this prayer was exhorted 

"O my Lord, wherever you take me, take me with good guidance and from wherever you take me, bring out good guidance and appoint me from your passages and help".
Hazrat Muhammad said to Hazrat Gabriel who would accompany him on this journey, Gabriel said, Abu Bakr.
Jibreel decided that you should not sleep in your bed that night, as you used to sleep until now.
(Zad-ul-Mohad, Volume II, Page 52)
After this announcement, the Prophet went to Abu Bakr's house exactly at noon to set up the whole program of migration with him.
Hazrat Isha narrates that the Messenger of Allah came and sought permission. After getting permission, he went inside and then he said to Abu Bakr, remove the people who are with him. Abu Bakr said, "Only your family." He said, "Well, I have been given permission to migrate to Madina"
Abu Bakr said, "My parents are sacrificed to you, O Messenger of Allah. Can I be your companion?"
You said, yes.
(Sahih Bukhari Chapter Hijrat Anbi Volume 1 Page 553)
After that, he set up the program of migration, went home and waited for the night to come Hazrat Abu Bakr had already arranged for two camels. They were fed with acacia leaves for four months.
He asked you to take the one you like as a gift. You said that I would not take it without a price. Abu Bakr said, take the prices.
(Fatah al-Bari, Volume 7, Page 8)

Siege of Hazrat Muhammad's house

On the other hand, Quraish spent the whole day in Daar un Nadwa and elected 11 chiefs.
Abu Jahl bin Hasham
Hukm bin Aas
Aqba bin abi moeet
Nazar bin Haaris
Umia bin Khalf
Zuma bin Aswad
Taeema bin Addi
abu lahb
Abbi bin Khalf
Nabia bin Aljaaj
Munba bin Aljaaj
 When the night is late, all these people will sit in the darkness of the night, so that when you fall asleep, they will all fall on you but the Messenger of Allah was successful and the infidels failed.

Quraysh met with failure

The Messenger of Allah said to Hazrat Ali, "You took this green blanket to my bed and sleep on it." You will not suffer any harm at their hands.Because the Messenger of Allah used to sleep with a blanket. And all the trusts that the Quraysh used to keep in his hands, he entrusted to Hazrat Ali so that the trusts could be passed on to those people.
(Seerat Ibn A Hisham, Volume I, Page 4)
After that, the Messenger of God came and tore down the lines of the polytheists and took mud with little stones in one hand and hit them on their heads. Allah caught their eyes and they could not see you.
At that time, you were reciting these verses. The translation of which is below,
"We have erected a barrier in front of them and we have also erected a barrier behind them; We have covered them and they do not see them (Surah Yasin: 9).
Then you left in front of them and went to Abu Bakr's house. After leaving  his house from the window, both of them went to Yemen at night. After a few miles, they went to a mountain called Sur (Zad-ul-Mad, Volume II, Page 52).

On the other hand, a person passed by the people of Quraysh and asked why are you people standing there. They said, "We are waiting for Muhammad.
So that when you come out, we will kill him. He said, "You people have failed. By God, Muhammad passed by you." And you passed through here while putting mud on people's heads and went to work
They said, "By God, we did not see them" and after that, shaking their heads, they got up and snored.
Still, they looked through the door and saw it, and said, "By God, this is Muhammad sleeping."
They still had their cloaks on them, so they stayed there until morning.
This is the morning. When Hazrat Ali got out of bed, the polytheists were left looking in amazement.
They asked Hazrat Ali where Muhammad was. Hazrat Ali said, "I don't know. 
(Al-Badiyyah and Vanhaya, Volume 3, Page 176, Ayyun Al-Asr, Volume 1, Page 179)

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