Events of Migration to Madina |Hazrat Mohammad(SW)Migrated to Madina

Migration on camels

 This is an Article about Migration to Madina, Hazrat Mohammad the last prophet of ALLAH migrated to Madina,You will gain knowledge about events in which Rasoolallah went through. Hazrat Mohammad and his companions saw every difficulty given by Infidels. In this article we will review all event in detail that was heppened during migration to Madina.

Migration To Madina

When the infidels prevented Prophet Muhammad and his companions from staying in Makkah, Allah ordered them to migrate to MadinahHazrat Muhammad announced the decision of emigration to all Muslims. Muslims started migrating. Even only the weak and old people were left in Makkah, after this you were ordered to emigrateHazrat Abu Bakr was supposed to accompany him, he entrusted Hazrat Ali with the trusts of the people, and said to Hazrat Ali to sleep on his bed, he went out from the midst of the infidels.

Stories from home to cave

Rasoolullah, 27 Safar 14 Nabvi according to 12th September 622 left Makkah in the middle of the night. You knew that the infidels would find you and follow you, so you chose a path that was completely different from the normal path. After traveling 5 miles on this route, you went to Sur cave. This mountain was very high and difficult to climb. There were a lot of stones from which the feet of Prophet Muhammad were injured. Then you went to a cave on the top of the mountain, which is called Ghar-a-sur. (Rahmat lil Aalamin Volume 1 page 79, brief biography Sheikh Abdullah page 167)

Staying in a cave

Here Muhammad and Abu Bakr spent three days and nights, Friday and Sunday and Monday in silence. During this time, Abu Bakr's sons also used to spend the  night. Hazrat Ayeha said,

 "He was a person of deep understanding, he used to come back early and stay in Makkah. He spent the night in Makkah, then if you heard anything against prophet, you would go to the cave in the dark of night and tell them all the story."

On the other hand, Abu Bakr's slave Amir bin Fahira used to graze goats. When some part of the night would pass, he would take the goats and go to cave. Rasoolullah and Hazrat Abu Bkr, both drank milk and Amir bin Fahira came back early in the next morning.

(Saheeh Bukhari, Volume I, Page 553-554)

Moreover, Amir bin Fahira used to drive goats on the marks of Abdullah bin Abi Bakr to erase the mark.

(Biography of Ibn e Hisham, Volume I, Page 535)

Quraysh on the edge of the cave

Searching people even went to the edge of the cave, In Sahi Bukhari, Hazrat Anas says that Hazrat Abu Bakr said,

"I was in the cave with the Messenger of Allah. When I saw the feet of the people, I said, O Messenger of Allah,

If he lowered his head then will see us.

He said, Abu Bakr, be quiet, we are two, the third of which is Allah".

The fact is that it was a great blessing with which Allah made you proud, so the searchers went back at that time. When there was not even a single step left between you.

Travel and emigration

When the fire of the search ended, the enthusiasm of the Quraysh cooled down and Hazrat Abu Bakr decided to leave for Medina.

Departure from the cave

Saraqa bin Jahsham

On the fourth night, two camels came from Abu Bakr's house, on one the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr rode, and on the other Amir bin Fahira and Abdullah bin Arrakit rode. They left on Monday, 16th September 622, according to 1st Rabi'ul Awwal. Saraqa bin Jahsham followed them on the way between the fort and the sea. Saraqa himself was going on his journey with a spear on his head and weapons on his body. So his eyes fell on you, he understood that he had succeeded. At the same time his mare fell, Saraqa came down and picked up mare and came again.

Rasulullah was reciting the Qur'an when he was told to approach the enemy. You said,

" O Allah, protect us from evil"!

Meanwhile, mare's feet sank into the ground. Understanding the theft, he humbly asked for peace from you, peace was given.  He came forward and said, I will stop all the riders. Then, on his request, Amir bin Fahira also wrote a letter of peace.

(Sahih al-Bukhari, chapter al-Hijrah, volume 1, page 551) 

The tent of Umm-e-Mehbad

On the way, you passed by the tent of Umm-e-Mehbad, and the Messenger of God stopped there because this woman was fair for Muslims. You asked this woman to take something for eating. She said if anything she had, she would have presented it before asking.

Rasoolullah saw a goat in the tent and asked why it is standing?

She said that it is weak. Can't walk with herd.

The Prophet said: Allow us to drink its milk.

Umm e Mehbad said if you noticed milk

So take milk. Rasoolullah recited Bismillah and milked the goat. The vessel was so full that the milk fell on the ground. Everyone drank the milk, the second time, milked the goat and then the pot was full for the second time. They all drank. On third time it was same happened. It was left for Umm e Mehbad.After a while, Umm Mehbad's husband came home and saw the pot full of milk. He wondered where it came from.

Uma Mehbad said that a blessed person came because of this.Her husband said this is the one I was looking for.

(Zad al-Muhad, Volume 1, Page 307)

Barida Islama and 70 people becoming Muslims

The Holy Prophet was on his way to Yathrib, and on the way he met Aslama, who was the leader of his tribe. Quraish had put a reward of one hundred camels for the arrest of the Holy Prophet. Burida had come under this greed. When he appeared before the Prophet, he converted to Islam along with 70 of his men.

(Rahmatul lil Alaamin, Volume 1, Page 384)

Arriving at the Quba

Date of Migration

On the 8th of Rabi-ul-Awal, the 14th of Prophethood, on Monday,  Messenger of Allah visited the Quba, stayed there for 4 days and laid the foundation of the Quba Mosque.

It was the first mosque of Islam.

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