What are Events after Migration To Madina?

ISLAM, SIRAT UL MUSTQEEM is a blog about Islamic History Articles. HERE YOU WILL FIND ISLAMIC HISTORY ARTICLES, Here is an article about Migration to Madina. You will read about all events those were accured after migration to Madina and in very start after migration.
Masjid Nabwi

When did Hazrat Muhammadصلى الله عليه وسلم

  enter Qaba?

8th Rabi'ul Aul, 14th Prophethood, 1st Hajrah, according to 23rd September 622, Monday, the Messenger of Allah entered the Quba. Hazrat Urwa bin Zubair said that the Muslims in Madinah had heard the news of the departure of the Messenger of Allah from Makkah. That's why people used to go out to Harra early in the morning and look your way. When the afternoon sun was more burnt they would go back to their homes. One day after waiting for a long day, people had gone to their homes when a Jew saw him coming from the hill. So he called out,
"O! Bani Qila, your fortune is blessed and the goods of good fortune that have come".
(Sharh Muahib Lil-Zarqani, Volume I, Page 350, Fateh Al-Bari, Volume 7, Page 179)
On hearing this, the Muslims rushed towards the weapons and armed themselves with weapons.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Volume I, Page 555)
Ibn Aqeem said that at the same time, a noise was heard between Bani Amir bin Awf and Takbeer was heard. The Muslims went out to welcome you, raising their takbeer in the joy of your arrival. All of them gathered around you, and at that time, you were covered with light and a revelation was coming.
The translation of which is below,

"Allah is your Lord, and Jibreel, and the righteous believers, and after that the angels will help you".

Hazrat Zubair say that after meeting the people, they went to the tribe of Banu Amir Auf. It was a Monday in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal.Abu Bakr was standing to welcome the coming people and the Messenger of Allah was sitting quietly. People who had not seen the Messenger of Allah used to greet Abu Bakr until the sun shone on the Messenger of Allah. Abu Bakr spread his shawl over him and the people recognized him as the Messenger of Allah.
(Saheeh Bukhari, Volume I, Page 555)

Quba, which is three miles away from Madinah.
Amir bin Auf's family was prominent among the Ansar families living there.
The chief of this family was Kulsoom bin Hudam. He stayed at Kulsoom's house in Quba. Abu Bakr stayed at the house of Khabib bin Osaf, and the Ansars from all sides used to come to greet the Messenger of Allah.
On the other hand, Hazrat Ali stayed in Makkah for three days and after returning to the trusts of the people, he returned to Madinah on foot. He went to Madinah and met the Messenger of Allah and stayed at the house of Kulsoom bin Hudam.
(Rahmat al aalmin Volume 1 Page 84, Zaad Al Muhad Volume 2 Page 54, Short Biography of Rasool Page 296)
Rasulullah spent a total of four days in Quba (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) and during that time he laid the foundation of Quba Mosque.He also prayed in it. This is the first mosque after your Prophethood which was founded on piety.
These verses were revealed in honor of this mosque.
The translation of which is below,

However, the mosque whose foundation was founded on piety is fully deserving of you entering it. There are men in this mosque who love purity, Allah loves such pure people.

On the day of Rabi-ul-Awal, 1st Hijri, the Messenger of Allah, by the command of Allah, rode with Abu Bakr.
You had informed Banu Najjar that you were going to Madinah for their company. When Rasoolullah was in the population of Banu Salim, the time of Jumma came.  You prayed in the valley where the Masjid is today. There were a total of one hundred men in it.
(Sahi al-Bukhari, Volume 1, page 555, 560 - Zaad al-Mahad, volume 2, page 55, Rahmat al-Alamin, volume 1, page 84)

Grand entrance to Medina

This is the first sermon of Hazrat Muhammad ØµÙ„Ù‰ الله عليه وسلم that he gave after Hijra.
After the Friday prayer, he entered Yathrib from the south, and from that day Yathrib was named Madinah. The entrance was magnificent and the words of Tahmid were echoing in the streets. Men, women and children came to see your appearance. A great group of the Ansar was marching forward and backward with their weapons on his right and left.
(Rahmat-ul-Al-Meen, Volume I, Page 86)
It was the wish of every person that the Messenger of Allah should stay in his  house. He used to give them prayer and used to say that this camel is appointed by Allah. Wherever this camel will sit by the command of Allah, I will stay there. 
(Al-Badayah Vanneya, Volume 3, Page 265, Fatah Al-Bari, Volume 7, Page 192).
You had left the reins of the camel completely loose, not moving the reins in any direction. The excitement was so great that the women climbed the roofs to see Jamal Nabwi. The girls of  Ansar were singing these slogans,
"The moon of the fourteenth night has fallen upon us.
We are obliged to thank Allah as long as there is no one who calls upon Allah.
O blessed people, who have been extinguished by making prophet among us, by taking matters from Allah that are obligatory.
We are the girls of Banu Najjar. Muhammad is a good neighbor".
(Al-Jamiyyah Sahi al-Bukhari, Volume I, Page 558)
Wherever the camel passed through, people would pick up the camel's tail and say, "We are more secure in weapons and security."
But you used to say that the camel was appointed by Allah and the camel sat down in Banu Najjar at the place where at that time the gate of the Prophet's Mosque was. But you did not come down from Naqah. After some distance, the camel got up and sat at the door of Abu Ayub Ansari's house. After that, she went back to the first place and sat. Ansaar told you to go with us. Abu Ayyub took the yoke. The Messenger of Allah said," The camel is its own yoke.''
The Messenger of Allah himself also wanted you to descend to Bani Najjar (Shr al-Mawahib, vol. 1, pages 356 to 359, Zad al-Mahhid, vol. 1, page 55).


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