What were circumstaces faced by Holy prophet after Hijrat to Madina?

This is site for Islamic History Articles. Here you will learn about Islamic History. This is Article about circumstances that faced by Holy Prophet after hijra to Madina. In this Article You will learn how Holy Prophet and his companions did efforts for Islam And for establish an Islamic state. Here you will gain knowledge about all conditions and problems that to b solved.
Masjid e Nabwi

Circumstances after Hijrah

Hazrat Muhammad, Hazrat Abu Bakr had come to Madinah, the Quba Masjid had been completed.

Arrival of the Prophet's family in Madinah

A few days after your arrival, Umm al-Momineen Hazrat Sauda, and Rasoolallah two daughters, hazrat Fatima, Umm e Kulsoom, Hazrat Osama and Umm e Aimon came.
They came along with Abdullah bin Abu Bakr and Abu Bkr' family among whom Hazrat Ayesha was also present.
Hazrat Zainab, the daughter of the Holy Prophet, was left behind by her husband, Abu Al aas, who did not allow her to come. She came after the battle of Badr (Sahi al-Bukhari, vol. 1, page 588)
Hazrat Ayesha says that I came to the Messenger of Allah and informed him,
"You said, O Allah, made Madinah as dear to us as Makkah was, or even more so, and made the atmosphere of Madinah healthy. O Allah, bless Madinah with grains. And transfer his fever to Johfa".
Allah listened to your prayer and the situation in Madinah changed (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Page 588).
Thus, the period of Makkah life was completed.

Beginning of A.H

During the Caliphate of Hazrat umar, when Hazrat Muhammad came to Madinah under his guidance, the year of Hijri began.
Suhail bin Saad used to say that the Companions did not start the Hijri year from the death of the Holy Prophet, nor from his death, but from his arrival in Madinah.
(Brief Biography Page 298)

The beginning of civil life

Madani life can be divided into three parts.

First stage

This is the first stage in which all kinds of difficulties were faced by Hazrat Muhammad, obstacles were placed in his way.
From year to year, the enemy tried to destroy Madinah, and this stage ended with the Treaty of Hudaybiyah in 6 AH.

Second stage

The second stage is the reconciliation with the leadership of the polytheists.
This stage ends at Fateh Makkah Ramadan 8 Hajra.

Third stage

This is the stage in which the servants of Allah enter the religion, this is the stage in which the delegation accepts Islam.

Conditions of Madinah at the time of migration

Hijra did not mean to run away from the difficulties of religion.
Rather, the goal was to create a new community in a peaceful environment.
Hazrat Muhammad was the Imam who formed this Society. Now every innovation is yours.
In Madinah, the Messenger of Allah had contact with three nations. Each nation had special issues that were different from the others.
These were the three nations.
1. Your pious companions
2. The ancient polytheists of Madinah
3. The Jews


The issues you had to face in relation to the Companions were such that for them the conditions in Madinah were completely different from Makkah.
They were forced, they were weak, and they were scattered among different groups, and they could not form a new alliance. Any society in the world requires the essentials that it has formed. There was nothing like that for Muslims.On the other hand the Muslims of Madina were empowered and free because they were not under domination. It was not an easy task to form a community, and it was not a matter of days or months, but years were required for it. The rules and regulations were from Allah and the Messenger of Allah implemented the rules and regulations.
There were Muslims who were happy to follow these rules. It was not an emergency but a permanent one.
There were issues that had to be resolved. There was no house for the tenants to live in, nor was there any source of income for the house. The number of tenants was increasing day by day.
Because It was announced that whoever believed in the Messenger of Allah and Allah should migrate to Madinah. Madinah did not have any wealth  resources. So the economic balance of Medina was disturbed. In this strait, the idolaters caused an economic famine in Madinah. Which will stop the income. The situation became very serious.

Madinah's polytheists

The condition of the original polytheists of Madinah was that they were suspicious and reluctant to leave their native religion. But there was no enmity against Muslims and Islam in their hearts, so people accepted Islam within a short period of time.
There were some polytheists who had strong hatred against Islam. But the polytheists did not have the courage to confront the Muslims and were forced to express their love and sincerity to the Holy Prophet.


Chief among them was Abdullah bin Abi Salul. He was the same person whom Oas and Khazraj had agreed to take as their chief after the Battle of Boaas. A crown was being made for him so that by placing a crown on his head he would be made the head of Madinah. Suddenly, the Messenger of Allah came to Medina and the people turned towards the Messenger of Allah instead of Abdullah bin Abi. On that day, there was a strong hatred for the Messenger of Allah. And when he saw after the Battle of Badr that he was not getting even the benefits of this world because of shirk, he accepted Islam. But he was a hypocrite.
Along with this, there were people who were deprived of their positions due to coming to Islam. All these hypocrites used to do mischief against Muslims.

Jews, the third nation of Medina

These people became refugees from Hijaz due to Roman oppression and tyranny. Originally, these people were Hebrews, but due to their residence in Hijaz, their language and culture became Arabic. Even the names of their clans were Arabicized and they used to marry each other. But in spite of this, they did not mix with the Arabs.
They were proud of being Jews and despised Arabs. They were even called Ummi, which means barbaric, depraved and backward. Since the arrival of the Holy Prophet, the Jews had hatred and enmity for him.
Upon his arrival in Madinah, a highly learned Jew, Abdullah bin Salam, became a Muslim.
He asked the Holy Prophet that the Jews are a scandalous nation.

Here you Read all circusmstances and difficulties that were present after hijrah for Muslims. For their solution there was need of Allah almighty help.


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