What were Reasons of Migration to Madina?

This is the Article about reasons of migration to Madina. In this article you will learn about all reasons because of them it was neccessary to Migrate to Madina. 

 Reasons for Hijrah

The Prophet leaving Makkah and moving to Madinah and establishing a state was  a chapter in history.
Therefore, some reasons for this historical migration are given below.

1. The Quraysh of Makkah

One of the main reasons for migrating to Madinah was that before prophethood, the Holy Prophet Makkah was loved by everyone. All the Quraysh liked your morals, but as soon as you received prophethood, they all turned against you. Some people accepted your invitation, some did not accept your invitation. You had to spread the religion of Allah and this work could not be done by staying among stubborn people. For this reason, you went to Taif but you did not achieve success there either. Now it became necessary to find a center for the propagation of religion.

2. Persecution of Quraish

One of the main reasons for migrating to Madinah was that the Quraysh of Makkah not only denied the religion but also put every obstacle in its way.
Throwing garbage on the Holy Prophet, putting thorns on the road, raising voices while walking, and above all, engaging in economic and social boycotts. Due to which, it became impossible for Muslims to stay in Makkah.

3. The Abyssinian migration experience

The experience of Hijrat Abyssinia proved useful. Muslims could worship their Creator in a free way by leaving their homeland. But Abyssinia was far away and there was a foreign government. The Najashi king had not become a Muslim nor were there supporters of Islam in Abyssinia, so it was difficult to spread Islam by remaining there permanently. This was one of the main reasons for migrating to Madinah.

4. Defensive position  

One of the main reasons for migrating to Madinah was that Madinah was quite strong due to its defenses. It had mountains on three sides and an oasis on one side. The importance of this place was also greater because all the roads leading to Makkah passed through it. This place was also very important in terms of wind and production.

5. Quraysh's impure intention and intention to kill

Because of all these troubles, the Holy Prophet decided to leave Makkah when the infidels planned to kill him. Seeing the spread of Islam, the Quraish were quite enraged, and on the suggestion of Abu Jahl, they all decided to select a young man from each tribe and appoint him as the Messenger of Allah.
So if you go out early in the morning, all the youths will attack you and they will be killed.
Allah wanted to save you and make your religion prevail, so you escaped safely.

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