What was Covenant of Madina and what were main points of covenant of Madina ?

 This is an article of the convenant of madina. In this articl you will read about covenant and main point of the covenant. This covenant has great importance in islamic history.

The Covenant of Medina

Madinah was mostly inhabited by Khazraj, but Jews also lived there for a long time. They had a large population.

 in Medina and Khyber.  There were madrassas in Khyber. There were forts

These people were the People of the Book and had intellectual superiority and distinction in the Hejaz land. These people knew about the last Prophet from the Book of Samavia. When he was taken to Madinah, their jealousy increased.

The Holy Qur'an is full of the conditions of the Jews, so Hazrat Muhammad ØµÙ„Ù‰ الله عليه وسلم made a covenant with the Jews so that their evil deeds would not be reduced.


This is the written covenant between the Muslims, Quraysh, Yathrib, and Jews by Prophet Muhammad ØµÙ„Ù‰ الله عليه وسلم.

Each party will be bound by the following matters depending on their religion.

1. The Jews and the Muslims will be one nation together, and the Jews will practice their own religion and Muslims on their religion.

2. Jews will be responsible for their own expenses. Muslims should pay their own expenses.

3. And the power which will fight against any side All parties are against it will work together.

4. The mutual relations of the participants of this content will be on the basis of goodwill, good think and benefit. A man should not be guilty because of his allies.

5. The oppressed will be helped.

6. As long as the war lasts, the Jews will bear the expenses along with the Muslims.

7. On the condition that fighting in Madinah will be prohibited for all participants.

8. For this reason, if any dispute arises between the parties, Allah and His Messenger will decide.

9. Quraysh and their helpers will not be given shelter.

10. If someone attacks Yathrib, all parties will join forces to fight him. And each party will do its part. This promise will not become a shield for any tyrant or criminal.

After this agreement, the government was formed in Madinah as the head was the Holy Prophet and all nations signed this agreement.


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