What Happened in the battle of baddar?
Maulana Shah Najib Akbarabadi writes that the Quraish considered themselves defeated by the safe departure of Muhammad from Makkah. And all their efforts began to be wasted on taking revenge like Muslims, Destroying the Holy Prophet and the Muslims was the most important task of the Quraysh and it prevailed over all their other tasks. That is why they forgot all their grudges. The powers of their nation were bent on destroying the Muslims.
There was a distance of about three hundred kilometers between Makkah and Madinah. To attack Madinah, specially organized warplanes were needed. Along the way, it was necessary to unite the tribes with them and make them sympathizers. Hazrat Muhammad had realized this impending danger and had received permission from Allah for his protection.
The Muslims in Madinah were not more than 400 men, but these Muslims were weak due to lack of resources.
But seeing the atrocities of the infidels, their Arab pride was excited. They repeatedly asked the Holy Prophet for permission to fight the infidels and answer them with swords and arrows.
Now the truth and power of Islam had become clear to everyone, so Allah had also given permission to fight the infidels.
A leader of the disbelievers, Qurz bin Jabr, took a party with him and marched from Makkah to a pasture adjacent to Madinah. And the Muslims took enough camels and left. When the Muslims came to know about this raid, they followed him to Safwan. But the enemy had left. Muslims come back
It was a declaration of war by the Meccans.In other words they told the people of Medina that we could come four hundred kilometers away and steal their property.
On the other hand, they were not aware of other strategies. They continued their correspondence with Abdullah bin Abi on one side and with the Jews of Madinah on the other. They had turned them against the Muslims.
In the same year, the order of Qiblah was revealed by Allah in Shahban. After a few days, Ramadan fasting also became obligatory. This news reached the Muslims in Ramadan. A caravan of Meccans was comming from Syria.
It will pass near Madinah. The Holy Prophet sent a group to take revenge for the attack of Qurz bin Jabr, who had attacked the people of Makkah. So that the people of Makkah will know that it is dangerous for their trade to interfere with the people of Medina. And their trade can only be with Syrians. In this departure, war qualities were not kept in mind. That is why the people of Makkah came to know about the departure of this group of Muslims.
The commander of the caravan, Abu Sufyan, escaped from the road and took out his caravan.
And he sent Zamzam bin Ummar to Makkah on the way, saying that we were in danger from the Muslims. You help us and save your wealth.
As soon as Abu Jahl heard this news, he sent an army of about 1,000 soldiers from Makkah, including 700 camels and 300 camels.
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This army left Makkah with great enthusiasm. The soldiers were dressed in armor and were singing.
Abbas bin Abdul Matlab, Utba bin Rabi, Umayya bin Khalaf, Nazar bin Khris, Abu Jahl bin Hisham, and 13 people were to be fed. Abu Sufyan's caravan went to Makkah. The group of Muslims that was extinguished to frighten the caravans of Makkah went back to Madinah (History of Islam, page 156 to 158).
When was the war?
Ramadan 2 Hijri The Holy Prophet took 313 companions with him and went to Madinah.
What happened in the battle of Badr?
There were two camels and 60 camels in the Muslim army. It is a strange coincidence that the strength of the Muslims was equal to the army of Talut.
When he went out for the competition.
When the army of the people of Islam reached the place of Badr, they saw that there the enemy's army, which was three times larger than theirs in size and a thousand times more in equipment, was already in Baddar.
The day before the battle, the Holy Prophet saw the battlefield and said that tomorrow, God willing, such and such an enemy will be killed in such and such a place.
The war started on 17 Ramadan 2 Hijri.
Before the war, the Holy Prophet prayed to Allah, O Allah, if Muslims are killed, there will be no Islam in the world. With the help of Allah, the disbelievers were defeated and seventy people were killed and seventy people were taken prisoners.
How many Muslims were martyred in the Battle of Badr?
14 Muslims were martyred in the Battle of Badr, of which 6 were Ansar and 8 Muwajirin. Abu Jahl was also killed in the same battle. There were 14 chiefs who were involved in planning the killing of the Holy Prophet in Nadwa. 11 of them were killed. At that time, prisoners of war were killed according to the law. But the Holy Prophet took the ransom and left everyone.
He fixed the ransom of educated prisoners that teach children of Ansaar and get free.
The Battle of Badr is of great significance in the history of Muslims.
A few poor people who were fed up with the persecution of the Quraysh took refuge in Madinah. They were able to drive away the oppressors with the force of the sword. This increased the morale of the people of Islam. This is the real rise of Islam.Now the Muslims were not exiles but a living and independent nation.
Allama Shibli writes:
The movement of Badr was actually the first step in the development of Islam.
Maulana Aslam used to say that it is actually fighting. It was the cornerstone of Islamic highness.This is the reason that all the people who participated in it were declared Jannati.
(History of Al-Mammat, Volume 1, Page 88)