Hazrat Umar' s treatment with non-Muslims

Hazrat Umar treatment

 This article is about Hazrat Umar treatment with non muslims.

Hazrat Umar's treatment with non-Muslims

This is the worst standard to judge the fairness of a government. What is their behavior towards foreigners and what are their rights in this government.

From this point of view, era of Farooqi is a perfect example of justice and equality.

During the era of Hazrat Amr, most of the neighboring kingdoms of Arabia were conquered.

Before Arab rule, the behavior of these kingdoms towards non-nations, let alone their own countrymen, was worse than slaves.

Although the people of Syria were of the same religion as the Romans.

But despite this, they did not have ownership rights on the land.

They themselves were considered a kind of property. When the land was transferred from one master to another, it would also be transferred with it.

And the master would have the same rights over them that the former master had.

When this country is in the possession of Muslims, their condition changed at once. Hazrat Amr gave them equal rights.

These were the words of the covenant made with the Christians of the holy house.

This is the peace that Allah's servant Ameer al-Momineen Umar gave to the people of Ilya.

This, peace, life, property, church, cross, health, sickness, and for all their religious people.

Their churches will not be inhabited, nor will they fall.

Their crosses and wealth will not be reduced, and they will not be forced to do anything about religion.

Moreover, none of them will be harmed.

(Al-Tabari, Fatah Bayt al-Maqdis)

These rights were not reserved only for the people of Ilya, but were given to all conquered nations which is present in their covenants.

Hazrat Umar kept urging the governors from time to time for the complete observance of these claims.

Hazrat Amr told Hazrat Abu Ubaidah after the Fatah of Syria.

This saying is to obey the Muslims in order not to oppress the dhimmis.

Do not harm them and do not claim their wealth unnecessarily.

And his conditions were fulfilled.

The lives and property of dhimmis were declared equal to the life and property of Muslims.

If a Muslim killed a Zammi, the Muslim would be killed in return.

Once a person of Bakr bin Weil killed a Christian, Hazrat Umar ordered that the killer should be killed by the heirs of the deceased. The order was obeyed and the heirs killed him.

If there was any damage to the property of dhimmis, they used to make compensation for it.

Military services were not taken from Zammis, so they had to pay jizya to protect their lives and property. Jizya was not taken from the people whose services were taken during the war. If for some reason the Muslims could not protect the Zammis, then the entire amount of Jizya would be returned to them.

Once the Muslims were forced to retreat against the Romans. So they returned the Jizya money to the Syrians.

There, Christians and Jews were so impressed by this justice that they gave from their hearts and God took them back.

Zammis enjoyed complete freedom in performing religious rituals.

They would ring bells, make crosses and celebrate their religious festivals.

 It was forbidden to ring the bell during prayer. Due to these kindnesses and benevolences, the Zammis preferred the rule of Muslims to the rule of their co-religionists.

Hazrat Umar was so concerned about Zammis that in his last days he wrote a directive for the future Caliph.

In it, there was a special will about the Zammis that I made this will in favor of the Zammis.

To fulfill what has been done to them, to fight in their support and not to hurt them beyond their strength.

(Book of Hadith)



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