What was the military system in the reign of Hazrat Umar?

 This is Article about the Military System in the reign of Hazrat Umar.
Hazrat Umar gave ful attention to the Military system. In this article you will read about  the Military system in the reign of Hazrat Umar.

What was the military system in the reign of Hazrat Umar?

Hazrat Umar Military System

During the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr, there was no fixed department of the army.
But when there were many conquests during the reign of Hazrat Amr, the need for a regular army was felt.

With the advice of Waleed bin Hisham, the army was given the name of the regular department.

The names of Quraish and Ansar were entered in the registers and salaries were fixed according to their rank.

Those who participated in the Battle of Abdar had the highest salaries. After them, there were Muhajireen Abyssinia and Mujahideen.

The minimum salary was set at 100 dirhams and the maximum at 5000 dirhams.

Children of soldiers also received stipends.
Slaves were paid equal to their masters
(Kitab Al Kharaj, Page 24)

Army division

The army was divided into two parts.
 Regular Army
Volunteer Army

The regular army refers to the army which was always engaged in war campaigns and stayed in permanent military cantonments.
And the volunteer army, those who lived in their homes and were called up when needed

They were also paid.

Military centers

Hazrat Umar had established military centers in all areas.
In which the cities of Madinah, Kufa, Basra, Mosul and Fustat were settled just to make military centers.

The arrangements made in these centers are as follows.

Barracks were built for the soldiers to stay.

There were stables for horses.

Each stable was accompanied by a pasture
Special attention was given to horses of good breed.

Permanent offices were built in these places to write the name of the army and to keep an account of the salaries.

Separate offices were opened to provide supplies and clothing for the soldiers.

Apart from all these large cantonments, there were also small cantonments.

Khuzestan had the largest number of cantonments in the region.

The task of guarding the border posts and coastal areas was entrusted to a separate department.

Military recruitment was given so much attention that, more than the Ansar and the Muhajireen, this series became a fascination for all of Arabia.

About 10,000 armed forces were always ready.
It included all the foreigners, Roman Jews and Indians.

The salary of the soldiers was two hundred to three hundred dirhams per year.

And the salary of officers was 7,000 to 10,000 per year, soldiers and children received stipends.

In addition to salary, each soldier received 40 kg of grain, 12 kg of olive oil and 12 kg of vinegar for food in a month.

But later the food started coming.

Focus on soldiers' fitness

Special care was taken for the health and comfort of the army.
In 17 A.H., the soldiers lost their health due to bad weather after the conquest of Madayn.

Every cantonment of the army had open fields in which the soldiers exercised.

Horsemanship, archery, swimming, and barefoot running were essential for every spy.

In addition to the commander of every army, there were finance officers, accountants, judges, translators and doctors.

Friday was a holiday.
And leave was given twice a year.

The intelligence and intelligence system was coordinated and strong.

Every army was accompanied by pamphleteers who conveyed piece of news to Hazrat Umar.

The command of the army was in the hands of Hazrat Amr himself.

The work of constructing roads and making bridges was taken from conquered nations.
(Al-Tabari Page 2225)

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