General reforms by Hazrat Umar

 What was the contribution of Hazrat Umar to Islam?

General reforms by Hazrat Umar

Hazrat Umar reforms

Hazrat Umar issued the following reforms:

These reforms are indisputable proof of Hazrat Umar's foresight, business understanding and administrative abilities.

1. Bait-ul-Mal was established.

2. Year Hijri was established.

3. Adopted the title of Amirul Momineen.

4. Established a permanent office for the army.

5. The finance office was set up separately.

6. Determined salaries of volunteers.

7. A regular survey of the country was carried out.

8. Census conducted.

9. Canals will be dug and Cities were Populated.

For example, Kufa, Basra, Hera and Fastat.

10. To divide the occupied countries into remaining provinces.

11. Harbi traders were allowed to enter and trade in the country.

12. Building a prison.

13. A police department was established.

14. He found a way to find the solution to the problem by patrolling at night.

15. Appoint a copywriter.

16. Mines and houses were built for the roads and travelers.


17. Set a daily schedule for Christians and Jews in distress.

18. Arranged to read Namaz and Tarawi together.

19. Zakat was fixed on trade horses.

20. Performed 4 takbirs in prayer and funeral.

21. Guest houses were constructed.

22. Daycare was arranged for the abandoned children.

23. He established that Arabs cannot become slaves.

24. Schools have been established and teachers' salaries will be fixed.

25. Invented the method of time.

26. The drinking limit was 80 koraas.

27. Arranged lighting in mosques at night.

28. Fixed the salaries of Imams.

29. Mentioning women's names in Ghazal's poems was made a crime.

30. The method of Usher and Kharaj will be established.

31. He imposed zakat instead of jizya on the Christians of Bani Taghlib.

32. Who maid has children, Refused to sell it...

These were general reforms maid by hazrat Umar



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