What is the character of Hazrat Umar? Biograghy of Hazrat Umar

 What is the character of Hazrat Umar?

Biography of Hazrat Umar

Hazrat Umar

 The morals and manners of Hazrat Umar

 Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph, was a model of exemplary qualities and Islamic morals. Your reign was the golden age of the Caliphate. From bringing Islam to death, you have rendered excellent services to Islam. He became a Muslim as a result of the Prophet's prayer.

Character of Hazrat Umar

Character of Hazrat Umar is infront of all muslims.

Farooq Azam is not only the ruler of the history of Islam, but also the Muslim and linguistic ruler of the history of the world.

 You used to fear Allah and love the Messenger of Allah. You have glory and humility, simplicity and dignity. In his morals, avoidance of worldly pleasures, protection of tongue, righteousness, truthfulness, and piety were the most prominent.

 The person who lived in your company used to be influenced and molded more or less in the same mold. 

Below we try to describe some aspects of Hazrat Umar's biography. 

Fear of God

This attribute was prominent in Hazrat Umar, he used to arrange attention a lot in his prayers. He used to cry out of fear of God in prayer.

 In one of the prayers, when Sura Yusuf came to verse 86, his attitude became so much that he became a hiccup.

 He was very afraid of the judgment of the Day of Judgment, and he always had the fear of the Day of Judgment in his heart. One day they said," I wish I had never been born (Kinzal Amal, Volume 6, Page 345)

 Once he said, "I want so much to get away without impeachment."

The early companions of the prophet Mohammad did not doubt that Umar was one of the most beloved companions of the prophet. They saw him as a living example of what the prophet meant when he said 'the best among you are the best to me.' In fact, one early companion, abu bakr, later became the second caliph and succeeded to Umar as leader of the Muslims. 

In this way, both Umar and Abu Bakr were examples of what a good Muslim leader should be. In addition, Umar was willing to sacrifice his life for the love of the prophet Mohammad; he even knew that his death would lead to greater victory for Allah.

Hazrat Mohamad was also an example of how closely these two leaders associated with each other. The fact that they were both Arabians from Quraysh - Muhammad's own tribe - only strengthened this bond between them. Mohamad loved Umar dearly and respected him greatly. 

The latter even encouraged the love between them by calling them brothers. In fact, when a dispute arose between him and Muhammad, Umar defended muhammad and fought against those who criticized him. He also did not hesitate to voice his opinion when asked by Muhammad; in one case, this resulted in him being thrown from a horse and having a leg broken. Regardless of others' opinions, Muhammad himself acknowledged that Umar had done nothing wrong when he defended Muhammad's friend from accusations against him. 

Love to Sunna Umar is one of the most celebrated companions of the Prophet Muhammad. His name literally means the light of God; his life was one of piety, sacrifice and devotion to God. In addition, he was a highly educated man who contributed greatly to the development of early Muslim thought. He was also a strong military leader who helped bring about the expansion of early Muslim society.

 Hardness of temper

 Hazrat Umar was harsh in his temper, and even after accept Islam, the harshness remained. But they became soft after the caliphate. Hazrat Umar freed all the Arab tribes as soon as he got the caliphate. And made this law that Arabs cannot be slaves, fixed the salaries of Mujahideen Often called the slaves and ate with them.

 Diet and clothing 

The stipend that was fixed for you was two dirhams per day. You accepted your stipend on the condition that you will not take it when your financial situation improves. There were a few cloth pairs in your dress that were also patched.

 Hazrat Hassan used to say that once he was giving a sermon, I saw that he had 12 stitches in his clothes. Sometimes there was only one pair, washed and worn The diet consisted of whole grains, wholemeal flour and olive oil.

This was the short biography of Hazrat Umar, the second caliph of Islam.


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