Biography of Hazrat Abu Bkr siddique, Hazrat Abu Bkr History.

 In this Article We will read about hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Boigraphy and history.

Biography of Hazrat Abu Bkr siddique, History of Abu Bkr

Appearance of Hazrat Abu Bakr

Hazrat Ayeha says that my father was a thin person, his waist was slightly curved
Tehamed could not stop at the waist, the lines on his face were coming out and the eyes were sunken in, the forehead was high, the fingers were empty of meat. The shins and thighs were not full of meat.
The height was suitable, henna hair was applied. This was the last time appearance. (Tarikh Tabari, Volume 2, Page 615)

A source of livelihood

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique's livelihood was trade. He used to do a clothing business from the start.
He often traveled to Syria and Yemen for business purposes.
Due to his honesty and being a good dealmaker, he was prominent among all the merchants of Quraish.

Clothing and food

Hazrat Abu Bakr's clothing was simple and he used to wear simple and modest clothes.
He was quite happy, sometimes he even became hungry, and what the earned, he used to spend it for the sake of Allah.

(Taqbat Ibn Saad, Tazkirah Abu Bakr Siddique)

Your stipend during the Khilafah era

During the Caliphate, his stipend was set at 2,000 dirhams. After the conquests, this stipend changed to 6,000. Also, two sheets were given, and when they were worn out, they were given back.
And take a new one (Taqabat Ibn Sa'd).

Maulana Habib Rahman writes that Hazrat Abu Bakr received a total of 8,000 dirhams during the entire caliphate.

According to this calculation, your annual stipend becomes two and a half thousand dirhams.(seerat asadeeq)

Hazrat Abu Bakr's wives and children

It is known from different statements that Hazrat Abu Bakr had 4 marriages.
Two before Islam and two after embracing Islam, their details are below.
Qatila Bint e Azza..

Hazrat Abdullah and Hazrat Asma were born by her. She was divorced by Hazrat Abu Bakr.

Umm e Roman

Her children were Hazrat Ayeha and Hazrat Abdrahman.
You accepted Islam, you died in 5 AH (Al-Saba, Vol. 4, Tazkira Umay Roman).

Asma bint e Umayya
Muhammad bin Abi Bakr was born by her. Hazrat Abu Bakr had bequeathed him to bathe him.

Habiba bint al-Khajr

At the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr's death, Hazrat Habiba was pregnant, and she gave birth to a girl, Umm A Kulsoom.
Hazrat Abu Bakr had 6 children three boys and three girls.

The biography and morals of Hazrat Abu Bakr

Hazrat Abu Bakr's morals were quite good.
Abu Bakr was characterized by piety, compassion, truthfulness, and honesty before Islam.
Alcoholism and debauchery were common at that time, but you were never harmed by these vices.

You were hospitable, caring for your relatives. When he accepted Islam, these attributes became brighter due to the companionship of Hazrat Muhammad.
We mention the description of Hazrat Abu Bakr in detail below.


You were pious, once your slave brought you food and when you had eaten, he said
You know,
How can this be done? You said, tell me. He said, "I read the horoscope of a person in the age of ignorance."
I didn't know how to open fortunes, I just cheated, but when I met him, he gave me this food.

When you hear this incident, you put your finger ahead and vomit what you ate.
(Sahih al-Bukhari, Chapter Baniyan al-Kahba, Volume 1, Page 542).

Hazrat Abu Bakr stayed away from harsh words.If any of the words came out of your mouth, you would be in trouble until you asked for forgiveness.

Hazrat Rabi bin Jafar and Hazrat Abu Bakr had a disagreement regarding a tree.
At the start, Hazrat Abu Bakr said something harsh. As soon as the anger subsided, he said to Hazrat Rabi that you should also say such a harsh thing to me.
Then both of them came to Rasoolullah and narrated the story.

Hazrat Muhammed said to Hazrat Rabi, you say, Allah forgives.
These words had such an impact on Hazrat Abu Bakr that he cried out. (Fatah al-Bari, vol. 7 p. 18)

Reluctance and modesty

Hazrat Abu Bakr was absolutely consistent and did not feel the slightest bit of shame in any work.

Often the goats were also grazed by him.
 It was the extreme of  reluctance that if people respected him with the sensibilities of the successor of the Messenger, he would have been upset.

You used to say that people have praised me more and if someone praised you, you would say, Oh God, you know my situation better than I do. And I know my condition better than these people.

O Allah, you have made me better with your kindness and have forgiven my sins.
And do not compare me with people's praises (Asad al-Ghaaba, vol. 3, page 217).

Spending money in the way of Allah

Hazrat Abu Bakr had 40 thousand dirhams at the time of acceptance of Islam.
 You have spent all his wealth for the sake of Allah.

(Taqabat Ibn As-Saad Volume 1 page 143)
Hazrat Muhammad said about Hazrat Abu Bakr,

No wealth is more useful to me than the wealth of Abu Bakr.
At the start of Islam, a large number of Muslims were slaves. Hazrat Abu Bakr freed many of them. Some of them were named Bilal, Amer bin Fahira Nazira etc.

 Serving God's creatures

You used to do neighborly work, take care of the sick, and serve the needy with your own hands.

There was a weak and blind woman in Madinah. Hazrat Amr went to her hut early in the morning to perform the necessary services.

After a few days, he realized that someone had come before him and had done these services.
One day early to see he went to that woman house,
Then he saw that Hazrat Abu Bakr was going back after serving this woman.
(Kanz al-Amaal, Volume 6, Page 312)

Desire for reward

When Hazrat Abu Bakr used to recite the Quran, tears would flow from his eyes.
He used to never let any good opportunity pass by. One day, the Messenger of Allah asked the Companions who were sitting next to him, whose fast is today?

Hazrat Abu Bakr said, "I am fasting, then you asked, "Who read someone's funeral today, who fed the poor, who fed the sick?"
Every time Hazrat Abu Bakr replied, the Messenger of Allah said, "He who has done so many good deeds in one day will surely go to Paradise."


Hazrat Abu Bakr was a hospitable host, once the Companions of Suffa were his guests.
He said to them, ``I am going to the Holy Prophet. Feed your guests.
Hazrat Abdur Rahman offered food to the guests but they refused to eat in the absence of the host.

When Hazrat Abu Bakr returned, he saw the guests sitting hungry, and he got angry with Abdur Rahman and said, "I will not share in eating him."

The guests said that they would not eat unless Abdur Rahman swears by God (Sahi Bukhari Kitab Al Adab, Volume 1).

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