The Army of Osama bin Zayd, who waz Osama bin Zayd?

 This Article is about Osama bin Zayd and his Army sent for war by hazrat Abu Bkr after the death of Hazrat Mohammad the last prophet of Allah.

Who was Hazrat Osama bin Zayd?

Usama bin Zayd was last commander of Rasool Ullah who was sent to Syria by Hazrat Mohammad.

The army of Hazrat Osama bin Zayd is the same army that the Holy Prophet had sent to Syria to suppress the Romans before his death. But it was stopped due to the illness of the Messenger of Allah.

After the death of Hazrat Muhammad, trouble gathered about Hazrat Abu Bakr, the conspiracies of non-Muslims and news of apostasy and the appearance of false prophets. 
Courage and perseverance were needed to overcome this delicate path. According to the Ansar and the Muhajireen, Hazrat Abu Bakr's character was such that they were waiting for a sign that all attempts at internal chaos would be crushed.
When you started action against external enemies, the people of Islam realize these dangers who was challenging their existence.
The apostasy came out in full force in all the rest of Arabia except Madinah Makkah and Taif.
At the same time, there were reports that preparations were being made to attack Madinah. All this situation was very stressful.

Departure of Lashkar-e-Osama


When Hazrat Abu Bakr wanted to extinguish the army of Osama to fight against the Romans, the Companions said to Hazrat Abu Bakr:
That when news of apostasy is coming from all sides and preparations are being made to attack Madinah, Lashkar-e-Usama should not be extinguished.
This army should be postponed and other revolutions must be stopped first.
But Siddique Akbar refused very strongly and said,

"I swear, my life is in the hands of Allah, If Madinah becomes so violent that beasts come to scratch my legs, even then I will not undertake this campaign w
hose departure had been ordered by the Messenger of Allah."
(Tarikh al-Khalafa suti, page 71). 

He ordered all those who were in the army to prepare for departure and gather in the army camp near Madinah.
Following this order, the companions gathered under the banner of Hazrat Osama. Hazrat Abu Bakr himself reached Lashkar Gah on foot to send off the army.
Hazrat Osama was sent with the army and he himself went with the stirrup of Hazrat Osama.

Hazrat Osama said that either you ride or I get off. He said, neither will I ride nor do you need to get down, there is no harm in me walking a few steps with you. The entire army was surprised to see Hazrat Abu Bakr in this way.
The people whose hearts were troubled about Hazrat Osama went away.

10 advice to Hazrat Abu Bakr Hazat Osama

Hazrat Abu Bakr advised Hazrat Osama ten things while riding with him. He said,"

 1. Do not betray.

2. Don't lie.

3. Don't break a promise.

4. Don't kill children, old people and women.

5. Do not cut or burn any fruit trees.

6. Do not slaughter camels, goats and cattle except for food.

7. When you pass a nation, greet it gently.
When meeting someone, take care of this status.

8. When there is a food in front of you, start by reciting Bismillah.

9. Not to conflict with the monks of Jews and Christians.

10. And the Messenger of Allah has commanded you to do all these things, not to reduce them or to exceed them.
Fight the disbelievers in the name of Allah.

(Tarikh Tabari, page 1850, History of Islam Najeebabadi, volume 1 page 292).

Hazrat Abu Bakr gave this advice to return from Maqam Jaraf and, after getting permission from Hazrat Osama, took Hazrat Umar with him for advice.

Success of Lashkar-e-Osama and the return of Army


Hazrat Osama demonstrated his fighting skills on the battlefield.
Once the Syrians were defeated, they returned to Medina with countless booty and prisoners of war.

This campaign took 40 days.
Hazrat Abu Bakr came out of Madinah and welcomed this army. (Tarikh al-Tabari, vol. 2, page 562).

The Result of Usama bin Zayd compaign

The successful return of Lashkar-e-Osama has positive effects.
The departure of this army seemed dangerous.
But the results were beneficial for Muslims and Islam.
The success of this war made the rebels realize that the Muslims cannot be defeated.
This is the reason why Taleha, Asadi and Musailma Qazab could not step out of their respective areas.
A lot of booty came from the Osama campaign, which proved to be very helpful in correcting future rebellions and maintaining the peace of the country.
And the tans of the military forces were not too painful. This decision of Hazrat Abu Bakr was appreciated.
History of Islam, Volume 1, Page 292)
Fear struck the hearts of the external powers. They believed that the power of the Muslims was enough, and they would crush them.
That is why he removed the idea of war with Muslims from his heart.

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