Why It Is Called Battle of Chains? Battle of Chains

 This is an article about Battle of chains, In this you will read about Battle of chains, Background of Battle of chains and why it is called battle of chain?

Background of Battle of Chains

Hazrat Khalid, who had gone on a campaign to Iraq, received the order of Hazrat Abu Bakr that before going to war, he should preach Islam.

If they accept, then fine, otherwise ask them to pay Jizya they refuse, then fight with them.

Khalid bin Waleed devided  his armywith three parts and wrote a letter to Hormuz according to the instructions of the Caliph.

If you want security, then accept Islam; if it is not accepted, then pay jizya and come under the shelter of the Muslims.

If this is not approved, then you will be responsible for the result.

 I have brought with me  people who love death as much as you love life.  (History of Tabari, Volume 2, Page 554) 

Why It is Called battle of Chains

 When Hormuz received the letter, the movement of the Islamic army was also announced at that time, so he gave his notice to Kisra Iran Yazdgard and he came with an army to fight against Hazrat Khalid.

Why was it called the battle of chains?

Hormuz arranged his forces in such a way that two brothers of the royal family of Iran, led Memna and Mesra.

Their names were Nooshjhan and Qabaz. Such was the state of their enthusiasm that their troops had chained one of them.

So that they can't run away. For this reason, this war is called the “Battle of Chains.” When all these arrangements were completed, Hormuz invited Hazrat Khalid to battle. Hazrat Khalid went ahead.

Hormuz had prepared some men against the rules of war so that when Hazrat Khalid came to the contest, they would attack him.

This happened, but at the same time, Hazrat Qahqa bin Amr came to the help of Hazrat Khalid and attacked with such force that the people of Hormuz were dispersed.

Hazrat Khalid struck Hormuz in such a way that he died. The Islamic army attacked and the Iranians fled in defeat.

The Muslims chased the Iranians and killed many Iranians. Allah conquered them.

The Islamic army got a lot of booty and also the crown of Hormuz

Hazrat Khalid collected all the wealth and sent it to Hazrat Abu Bakr in Medina.

An elephant was also found in the booty and it was also sent to Medina.

Rather, it was a new animal for the Arabs. People looked at it with curiosity.

Later, the elephant was sent back

Tarikh Ibn Taseer, Vol. 2, p. 262)

The crown of Hormuz was given to Hazrat Khalid, 

Because he killed Hormuz.


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