This Article is About Moharram Ul Harram, In this article you will learn about Moharram ul Haram meaning, Its Importance and Moharram holidays in all over the Muslim world.

Tomb of Hussain
Moharram ul Haram
What is Moharram ul Harram?

Moharram ul Harram is 1st month of the Islamic year. This month is of four sacred months in which war and killing are forbidden.
What is the meaning of Moharram Ul Harram?
The meaning of Moharram ul Harram is “Forbidden”. In this month war and killing are forbidden. So in the Arabic language forbidden thing is called Mahram or Harram. In this aspect, this 1st month was named,” Moharram ul Harram”
Moharram ul Harram is more important for various reasons. Here I will discuss some.
Birth of Hazrat Adam (Malayalam)The very 1st human being's creation was on the 1st of Moharram ul Harram in heaven. Hazrat Adam, s whole story is mentioned in the Last holy book of Allah “The Quran”
- Youm e Ashura
Moharram ul Harram is important in Islamic history for Youm e Ashur. On this day Hazrat Imam was martyred with his all family in Karbala.
This was shocking for Muslims all over the world. On this day Shia community mourns for the sake of Hazrat Imam Hussain Malayalam and his family's martyrdom. And rest Muslims observe fast on this day.
- Hazrat Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم last prophet of Allah migration
This month Hazrat Mohammadصلى الله عليه وسلم migrated from Madina to Makka with his family and companions.
- Hazrat Umar, the fourth caliph of Islam, death
Hazrat Umar, the fourth caliph of Islam, was attacked on 26th Zulhajjah. And he was dead on 1st Moharram 24 Hijrah on Sunday. Reference (AL Farooq page 205, Tantavi page566, Almurtaza page 185)
- Moharram Holidays
In Pakistan, two holidays are sanctioned for the 9th and 10th Moharram ul Harram.