Hazrat Usman death and biography|Detail about Hazrat Usman death

 This article is about Hazrat Usman the third Caliph of Islam Biography and his death. In this article you will read about his death. Hazrat Usman death in islam.

Introduction| Hazrat Usman Biography

Hazrat Usman

Hazrat Usman was one of the most influential figures in Islamic history. He was the third Caliph of the Muslim community and had a lasting impact on the world. His legacy still stands today, and his untimely death still remains a source of mystery and speculation.

He was born to a wealthy family and initially served as a military commander in the army of Hazrat Ali. He quickly gained favor with the Caliph and became one of his most trusted advisors. He then went on to become Caliph himself, reigning over an empire that stretched from North Africa to Central Asia.

Hazrat Uthman belonged to Banu Umayyah, a branch of Quraysh's council, and his lineage was traced back to the Prophet in the fifth line. Hazrat Uthman's personality was great in Islamic history, so his death was tragic. Hazrat Uthman had greatness and excellence among his companions. The two daughters of the Messenger of Allah were married to you Your grandfather Umayya bin Shams used to be part of the Quraysh's leadership, and he was referred to as Banu Umayya Amwin. You were the fourth among those who brought Islam.

Hazrat Usman was known for his honesty, prudence, justice, piety, and benevolence. He also made great strides in bringing together disparate factions within Islam and unifying them under a single religion. But perhaps what will be remembered most about Hazrat Usman is his untimely death in 656 CE at the hands of rebels from inside his own court. In this article we look at this tragedy, its impact on history, and how it still resonates today.

Early Life of Hazrat Usman

You might have heard of Hazrat Usman, the third Caliph of Islam and companion of the prophet Mohammed. But you may not know much about his life and legacy. While there are still questions that remain to this day regarding what exactly happened during his death, it's impossible to ignore the fact that he had a tremendous impact on the Islamic world, and his legacy lives on in many ways.

Usman was born in 572 A.D., about fifty years after the revelation of Islam. He entered life into a powerful and influential family, and it wasn't long before he joined forces with Mohammed to spread the religion throughout Arabia. With Usman's help, Islam quickly became established in many parts of the region.

Usman eventually married two of Muhammad's daughters, Ruqayya and Umm Kulthum, which cemented him firmly as part of Muhammad's inner circle. In 656 A.D., Usman was chosen to be Caliph by a small group of powerful Muslims, following Prophet Mohammed's death earlier that year. As Caliph, Hazrat Usman continued to strengthen Islam's presence in various parts of Asia and Africa until his death in 656 A.D., when he was assassinated by disgruntled Muslims who had disagreed with some of his decisions as Caliph

Contributions to the Muslim Ummah (Community)

As the third Muslim Caliph, Hazrat Usman's contributions to the Muslim Ummah (Community) were significant. He was known for his humble nature and generosity—a trait he had no doubt inherited from his father, a slave trader of Mecca.

During his rule, Hazrat Usman worked diligently to improve the quality of life for all citizens by introducing reforms in taxation, foreign policy and civil administration. He intensified efforts to spread education, as well as encouraging justice for minorities.

Hazrat Usman also made great strides in consolidating the Muslim faith across different lands. He dedicated resources to create standard copies of the Quran and ensure its accuracy and consistency regardless of location. This is why many consider him to be one of the most influential figures in Islamic history—an example of humility, kindness and justice that inspired generations after him.

His Key Role in Writing and Preserving the Quran

Hazrat Usman’s legacy as one of Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) close companions and a leading figure of the Islamic faith is often remembered largely through his key role in writing and preserving the Quran.

It was Usman who insisted on creating a single authoritative version of the Quran, known to us today as the Uthmani script. He collected copies of all the original revelations that had been written down by Zayd ibn Thabit, and then had them compared against each other. Those that didn’t match were discarded, while he put together a definitive text.

Usman also had copies made for distribution and sent them out far and wide – from Syria to North Africa and even in far-flung areas like Yemen. This made sure that everyone had the same version of Islam’s holy book in their hands and helped spread its message beyond Arabia.

His efforts are praised by believers to this day, all thanks to his determination, dedication and commitment towards making sure everyone had access to the same version of God’s word throughout all corners of the Islamic world.

Challenges Faced by Hazrat Usman After Becoming Caliph

After becoming caliph in 644, Hazrat Usman faced several challenges in his newly appointed role. Not only did he have to take on the task of unifying Muslims, but he also had to deal with a number of external issues.

Uthman had to deliberate over how to extend Muslim rule without weakening its authority. He also had to negotiate with people from different parts of the world and cultures, resolve local disputes, and appoint rulers who could be trusted.

He was also faced with internal issues, as struggles of succession plagued the community of Muslims in the decades after the Prophet Muhammed's death in 632 A.D. People in Egypt were opposing the governor Uthman had appointed, while other provinces were facing internal revolts and foreign invasions.

Ultimately, it was these issues that led to Uthman ibn Affan's assassination at the end of a siege on his house in 656 A.D.

Preparation of Shahadat/Death

As time passed, Hazrat Uthman became more and more convinced of his testimony about the prophecies of Hazrat Muhammad.

 (Humanity is at the door of death, page 74-75).

 Seeing the activities of the rebels, he started preparing for martyrdom. On the day of martyrdom was the day of Jamm. In a dream, Hazrat Muhammad, Hazrat Abu Bakr Sadaqe and Hazrat Amr came and were saying to them, Uthman, hurry up today, we are fasting today. To break the fast with us today, when your eyes opened, you mentioned this dream to your wife. The time of my martyrdom is near, so after that you ordered pajamas and put them on and freed 20 slaves and opened the Holy Qur'an and engaged in recitation.


(Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal Volume 1 Page 66).

Martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman|Death of Hazrat Usman

Friday 18 Zulhajja 35 Hijri the rebels entered the house as a door.


Hazrat Hassan was present at the door. He resisted and was injured, but the rebels forced their way inside.

Hazrat Uthman was in a state of fasting and it was the time of effect and he was busy reciting the Holy Quran.

First of all, Muhammad bin Abi Bakr grabbed his beard and pulled it

Hazrat Usman said, "Nephew left my beard"

" If your father was alive, he would never have been happy with this act of yours".

Muhammad bin Abi Bakr became depressed and retreated (Al-Tabari, page 3021).

After a while, a rebel came forward and rejected the Quran with his foot

Another person, Kanana bin Bishr, hit his forehead with an iron stick with such force that Hazrat Uthman became dizzy and fell on his side.

The second blow was struck by Sudan bin Hamran, from which a fountain of blood came out, and the humiliated Amr bin Hamaq stood on his chest.

When Hazrat Nila wanted to stop him, he fired his sword and three fingers of Hazrat Nila were cut off.

Meanwhile, Hazrat Usman died.

انّا لللہ و انّا علی راجھوں

He was 83 year old when he was died


The Circumstances Leading Up to His Death| Hazrat Usman Death

Hazrat Usman's death was a consequence of events that had been building up for several years prior. In the years following the death of the Prophet Muhammad, a schism emerged between different factions, who were vying for control of the caliphate. Hazrat Usman was considered a target due to being a third caliph, and his decision to appoint family members to high positions in government, which generated discontent among some leaders.

At the same time, several Arab tribes were becoming increasingly restive at what they perceived as corrupt practices by the administration and military campaigns led by Usman’s regime. With all these factors in place, it was only a matter of time before opposition to Usman and his rule coalesced into an armed uprising which eventually led to his assassination in 656 CE.

Legacy and Impact of Hazrat Usman's Death on Islam

Hazrat Usman was  killed by Muslims and sons of Sahaba. It was great loss for Islam. He was killed when he was recieting the holy Quran in Mosque.

Hazrat Usman's life and death left a lasting impact on Islam. Many believe that it was because of his assassination that the Islamic empire split into the two sects of Shia and Sunni, with each side claiming their reasons for separating were the closest to those of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Aside from this, his death also altered the political landscape in many ways:

  • It led to an end in the union between Arab and non-Arab Muslims, as non-Arabs felt they had been treated unfairly.

  • It caused an unprecedented rift between Aisha and Ali, which was later exploited by Muawiyah I and ultimately led to more divisions.

  • It weakened Muslim unity and caused distrust among leaders.

  • It challenged the legitimacy of Caliphs, since he had appointed them directly through consensus, not through an electoral process.

Despite these differences and the turmoil following his death, Hazrat Usman's legacy lives on. He is still remembered for being a kind man who held strong faith in Allah (SWT) and is praised for his immense contributions to Islam. Thus, it is clear that his death left behind lasting ripples in Islamic history.


In the end, Hazrat Usman's legacy has been celebrated for hundreds of years for his unwavering dedication to Islam, justice and fairness. He was not only a great leader but also a role model for many generations of Muslims to come. His life, although short, was filled with positive marks and achievements, and this legacy is remembered with reverence and admiration. The untimely death of Hazrat Usman was a great tragedy, but his legacy of faith, justice and peace still live on to this day.

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