How was Uthman chosen as caliph?

 This is Article About third caliph of Islam Hazrat Usman. How was hazrat Usman chosen as caliph?. In this article you will read about how was hazrat Usman selected as caliph and in which date Hazrat Usman was selected as caliph.

Hazrat Usman

After hazrat Umar death hazrat Usman was chosen by companions of hazrat Mohamad.

How was Uthman chosen as caliph?

On 26 Zulhajja 23 Hijri, There was a murderous attack on Hazrat Umar.
And he died on the 1st of Muharram 24 Hijri. Before his martyrdom, he formed a committee of 6 people. One of these 6 should be chosen. My son Abdullah will be number seven but will only be involved in advice.
These are the 6 people.

Hazrat Uthman, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas, Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Zubair, Hazrat Abdre Rahman bin Auf.

And he said to choose your caliph within three days. Meanwhile, Sohaib Rumi will lead the Imamat.

After his burial, according to the will, these 6 people were gathered at the house of Masur bin Mukharama.

The discussion continued for two days, but no decision was reached. On the third day, Abdur Rahman bin Auf said that the caliphate should be limited to three men.
Hazrat Zubair spoke in favor of Hazrat Ali. Hazrat Talha gave the name of Hazrat Usman. And Hazrat Saad was named Hazrat Abdrahman.

Hazrat Abdurre-Rahman withdrew his name and the matter was limited to Hazrat Uthman and Hazrat Ali.

On this, Hazrat Abd al-Rahman said that the person who commits to following the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. And he said to Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Uthman that if you both leave the decision to me, it will be suitable.
Then Hazrat Abdrahman continued to consult with the leaders of the Ansar and Muhajirin.

In which Date Hazrat Usman was chosen as caliph?

Finally, on the third day, the people gathered in the Prophet's Mosque and after giving a speech, they pledged on the hand of Hazrat Uthman.
And after him, Hazrat Ali pledged and later all his companions, and Hazrat Uthman was chosen as the Caliph on the 4th of Muharram, 24 Hijri.
He was the third caliph (Taqabat Ibn As-Saad, Volume 3, Page 42-43).

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